n. A person (male or female) you're seeing/dating and have an affectionate relationship with. Not a one nighter or fuck buddy. Someone you don't mind hugging or kissing in public. Sometimes (in DC) used inter-changeably with "boo".
v. To meet up with the aforementioned person and do warm fuzzy couple things, such as watch a movie and/or cuddle. To bun.
N. Homie#1 - Yo, dawg, who was that girl I saw u with at the movies?
Homie#2 - Pssshh. You don't know? That was my bun.

V. Homie#1 - Ay, dawg, you hanging out tonight?
Homie#2 - Nah. I'm bunnin' with my girl tonight.
by Jane Doe January 6, 2005
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girl 1-eerrggh that boy is bun
girl 2 - your bun
by ILOVEHARRYPOTTER!!!! January 19, 2012
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Was made in NY, and is now used almost everywhere.
Buns means to be soft, pussy, or to call something wack.
Can be mixed in with other words such as; if someone crossed you over in Basketball you would be called "Hot Crossed Buns". The way of using Buns is endless but dont forget where it came from, NY.
You--"Yo, i cant..."
Me--"Nigga you Buns"

"Yo this party is Buns"

by Spic_Dogg December 12, 2006
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simply means pure ugly/unattractive
girl 1: you see that guy there?
girl 2: wtf he's buns allow it
by PengBitch March 18, 2018
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Garbage, stupid, bad, awful, and shitty
Ewww have you seen Lori’s new haircut, that shit is buns.
by Ashley Barth July 15, 2018
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Josh: Yo Sean, check out that girl over there man, shes pretty hott huh bro?

Sean: I dont know man, shes kinda buns...

Mike: This whole party is buns.

Sean: Im throwin down the buns card!

(they leave the party)
by Mike Balch akaa mike the g October 6, 2008
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An adjective that can be used to replace words and phrases such as: gay, retarded, pointless, stupid, fucked, pathetic, horrible, sucks, balls, shit etc. It can also be used to describe a person, place or thing.
"Man this homework is fuckin buns!"

"He thinks hes good at snowboarding but hes just buns"

"You can't draw worth shit, that picture is buns"

"The weather is so buns today"

"Your mothers cooking is buns"
by RidinSwitch October 23, 2008
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