a nickname for a guy with a really hot ass!
Like damn, did you see Buns' buns?!
by deonica April 16, 2008
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An adjective that can be used to replace words and phrases such as: gay, retarded, pointless, stupid, fucked, pathetic, horrible, sucks, balls, shit etc. It can also be used to describe a person, place or thing.
"Man this homework is fuckin buns!"

"He thinks hes good at snowboarding but hes just buns"

"You can't draw worth shit, that picture is buns"

"The weather is so buns today"

"Your mothers cooking is buns"
by RidinSwitch October 23, 2008
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To be ignored
Thirsty Nigga: Aye yo ma, lemme get the digits
Women: *ignored him*
by ImYorkk January 5, 2014
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A term used when calling people hot,sexy,cute,ect...
Honeys is another word that is relevant to the word BUNS.
Damn boy you get all the buns!
by Lenssa August 7, 2008
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Ignore, forget about, to reject, turn away from.

(London street slang)
1. "Let's take the tube."
"Bun the tube, I want to walk"
by KnightRider99 March 19, 2013
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1)A West Indian pronunciation of the word burn.
2)In Jamaican dialect, to give someone bun means to cheat on them.
3)see bun fi bun
1) The eediat man bun down him house!
2) I heard John Brown's wife giving hime bun!
by ole daag July 21, 2006
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1. Used to describe someone who is soft, a pussy, or a little bitch. Often used in the taunting question, "are you buns?!"
2. Used to describe anything that sucks. See bundies, ass, buttcheeks.
You got sonned by that little kid? Are you buns?!

That whole weekend was buns.
by k.g. y'all December 11, 2005
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