A person who unconsciously says the word ‘bruv’ at the end of every sentence.
Mate, you’ve got bruv syndrome
by 🦢 F February 14, 2023
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Oi bruv!
did you see the girl i fucked?
yeah she was hot as the sun!
by HFDGHDHU February 13, 2018
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normally roadmen slang for "isn't it" and the "bruv" on the end means there mate or the someone there talking to.
1. The homework was due in today init bruv
by hairy rooster February 25, 2020
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Oi Bruv is Used a a Slang word for the British, it's a way of Saying "Hello."
:"Oi Bruv, How you doing?"
by Bongola April 12, 2018
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harry: *turns off the fan because it's getting cold*
everyone in the plane: bruv moment
by monke cactus April 10, 2021
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term made up by Elizabeth Anakor derived from southern London slang, used when confused, asking a question or when someone says some dumb shit

in American terms “what bro? , “what brother?”
“what bruv?”
by @shygrizzly December 24, 2017
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Oh my fockin days bruv, usually used by British roadmen when they get vexxed
Omfd bruv, that dusty youte is gonna get cheffed, istfg im gonna back out da rambo
by BAW (Big Arab Willy) April 11, 2023
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