When a guy has his woman bent over the front of the toilet and he's hitting it from the back, just before he finishes, he puts her face in the toilet water to enhance their(his) climax.
I got the brown apple bobber in my girl's parents' bathroom last night
by Hakuna Memetata October 12, 2017
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A person who bobbs there partners anis around with there hand or his dick usually during sex.
Joe Haskett gave an anis bobber to another guy.
by S-annomous April 9, 2006
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A somewhat pleasurable "semi" derived from the relative freedom of wearing nothing but a dressing gown, which is all well and good. However, trying to make your way across the kitchen of a morning in front of friends and family whilst exhibiting an exaggerated bobbing motion from below the waist can subject you to a world of embarrassment.
The sun beaming in through the window as I read the paper and ate my toast this morning precipitated a semi at just the wrong moment. I had to walk past the mother in law with a serious dressing gown bobber!!
by R3ginald November 11, 2014
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Rob made her squel when he poked her with his undulating thrum bobber.
by Rob Wilkinson November 4, 2005
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the act of straddling your partners face and prairie dogging a solid piece of poop in and out of his/her mouth. While the partner is pleasuring the piece of poop oraly, the person straddling masturbates ferociously onto their partner's chest. this pleasurable technique is often difficult to do when the prairie dogging partner has diarrhea.
Judy was really pumped when Jim decided to give her a mediterranean meatloaf bobber. She was no longer excited when she discovered that he ate mexican food earlier that day.
by Tyler Kent O'Patty February 25, 2008
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1. something very 'o' so secretive.
2. a thing or a bob
3. another name for something you cant find a name for.
Who has the thinger ma bobber?
by Tiffany M. & Ally O. November 19, 2004
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verb - a handjob where the person giving the handjob uses their own tears as lubricant, see cry job.

After watching a sad movie, Samantha crammed Robert's bobber.

That girl is fantastic at cramming the bobber.
by Thomazero October 23, 2006
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