The tendency for conservatives to think largely in terms of black and white for every single issue on the planet. Mostly a result of an absolutist religious upbringing, I believe.

An example,

Bob, a 43 year old loving father of two, with a spotless criminal record, assaults a sixteen year old girl. Everyone is shocked and puzzled. When caught, he has a nervous breakdown and is put in a mental institution. There, he undergoes various tests and scans. Doctors discover a giant tumor in the part of the brain responsible for sexual activities.

They remove it via surgery, and he's back to normal again. There's no doubt about it - from similar cases we can see that tumors in that part of the brain drive normal men crazy. What to do?
Liberal: After having considered all the evidence, I don't see any point in incarcerating him. He's not a threat. I fucking hate worthless child molesters but he clearly can't be held responsible for this. Probation should do, just in case I'm wrong. (though i doubt it)

Moderate: The science involved certainly seems to indicate that he's not responsible for this disgusting deed. Given his prior record, he doesn't seem like a threat. Still, I'm not totally convinced. A year in prison maybe? More testing, in any case.

Conservative: Why the fuck are we even talking about this? Tumors don't do anything anyway, that's just a THEORY! Has everyone lost their fucking mind, he attacked a helpless child! Stone him to death! Oh wait, I forgot that we don't live in Afghanistan or Iran. Well in that case, give 'im the lethal injection. Shit, that's not allowed for non-murderers? SHIT! I swear, liberals are bleeding this fucking country dry! DEATH TO LIBERALS!!! *waves rebel flag*

Conservative Black and White Thinking Disorder is a major problem in the US, sadly. Mostly as a result of religious faith.

For another example, see black and white thinkers.
by Submitters of Words June 14, 2011
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Sadly we all have had one in our school. The wannabe Black chavy white girl or TWBCWG for short are easy to spot. They change their voices to try and sound black and try and act sassy thinking it makes her black.

These girls often have names on instagram or snapchat like “mosthated_kxox, yurfave.x” trying to conceal who they are.

TWBCWG always styles her hair in ways her hair is actually not meant for such as High buns with edges and low slick ponytails with edges and backbrushing her hair to make it look thick.

TWBCWG spends most of her money on McDonald’s , fake nails or getting her acrylics done and eyelashes. False lashes are very important to TWBCWG along with a orange fake tan as if nobody can see it. Slug eyebrows are another key feature of this girl along with a lot of piercings. You are lucky to see TWBCWG without makeup as they look rough without it..... yet they think they’re special.

It’s sad as nobody tells them how silly they look trying to change who they are for social media, thinking it’s cool. Be yourself guys 😔.....
“ she’s defo one of dem The wannabe black chavy white girl bruv. Lookkkkk at the edges and tan 😭.Smh 🤦🏽 ♂️”

by thehardtruth. July 29, 2019
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An African American who loves to do what a lot of white people do.
"Daquan love to go camping, fishing, and bike riding. He's such a white black kid, but we love him."
by White black kid May 28, 2017
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A sexual act in which a man is having anal sex with a woman and right as he ejaculates, the woman decides to take a dump on the bed. The mixture of poo and semen will create the effect of a black a white chocolate chip cookie.
Carlos: "Can you give me the pleasure of producing a black and white chocolate chip cookie?"
Sasha: "So you want me to shit on the bed right after you ejaculate?"
Carlos: "Yeah"
Sasha: "For sure. I love producing black and white chocolate chip cookies, but no one asked before"
Carlos: "Sweet!"
by Doralover89 September 10, 2009
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The White Black Handicap Rule is the earliest form of tolerance education, and is usually found in primary schools, but can go as far as highschool. Usually represented in pictures, and more rarely text. Is a passive form of tolerance education in where a situation which would involve a decent number of people ex 3-7, where there is always a white, a black, and a handicapped person (usually in a wheelchair) in the picture, sometimes as cartoonish cardboard cutouts on hallway walls to pictures inside textbooks. Very subtle, and only really noticeable when in an early education center of some sort. It can seem a bit out of place especially in remote areas such as the Canadian north, just below the arctic circle, where one would rarely find a person of african decent.

This rule is also a generalisation, pictures can also include asian's hispanic's etc. This practise of included a large demographic of people could have been the indirect or direct result of civil rights movements and lawsuits.
Ex 1. I opened my highschool agenda to a random page and saw an advertisement about the upcoming provincial elections in Ontario. It showed 3 students conversing about the elections in the school cafeteria line. The furthest from the from the front was a black girl, in the middle was a white guy, and in the front was a person in a wheelchair. Thats the WBHR if I ever saw it.

Ex 2. The White Black Handicap Rule was probably the result of court action, and now schools need to include all ethnicities in its representations of people.

Ex 3.

John: So I went to my little borthers school yesterday to pick him up and boy it that place weird.


John: There were cartoon pictures of people all over the place and they all had a white, a black, and a handicap, every last one

Mike:Oh, thats just the WBHR, guess they had a problem with racist 5 year olds they needed to fix haha.
by Jules5757 October 24, 2011
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