The only reliable news source. Mainly reports on happenings in the NBA, but any news they drop is factual, accurate, and refreshingly real.
Person 1: "Apparently Skip Bayless has 3,280,000 messages addressed to “LeBron” in his 27 year career, according to Ballsack Sports."
Person 2: "Well if the Sack reported it, it must be true! Now nobody can claim that anyone other than Skip is the dickriding GOAT!"
by grindneverstops March 4, 2022
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When your balls are so sweaty it starts dripping off.
"You have sweaty nuts"

"I know, I have a rainy ballsack"
by SurpriseButtSex123 December 30, 2011
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A poopy ballsack is the worst form of physical pain possible that is used by many comrades. Though some people find this pleasing like the man working the corner at 3am
by Jonathon Vasquez September 21, 2020
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Black shit that you pick off your balls when they itch. It's often attached to little pubic hairs.
by Hoarfchron420 September 26, 2008
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When 8 males genitals are held together like a bouquet
I needed a way to impress this chick so me and the guys sent her a picture of our ballsack flower.
by synyster exile March 18, 2015
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A term commonly used to describe anger. And pain.
Definition 1
I'm confused...

Fucking ballsack so am I.

Definition 2

Dude he just fell

by FUKING BALLSACK August 20, 2011
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A strangely delightful mixture formed by first placing ballsack(s) in a blender and then adding plenty of ketchup. The result is a tasty paste that can be placed on weini.
Barbara: What is that delightful paste on your wenus, my dear feller?
George: Oh just some tasty ballsack paste. Would you like a lick?
by ballsacksalamode June 17, 2011
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