November 29th is the only day out of every year you get to make fun of all your bald headed friends! *and don’t forget to post them too*
me: Hey nina! Look at Geo,, he’s bald!!
friend: It’s November 29th! National Bald Headed Day!!
by LickMyMac&’Cheese November 16, 2019
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One who is bald and tends to tweak out a lot.
Person 1: My life is terrible
Person 2: shut the fuck up you bald head thunder fuck
by ForTehKenny August 6, 2012
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young adult, male, succumbing to prematurely shaven temple. a futile attempt to preserve dignity, masking the inevitable onset of recession.

associate of anally retarded behaviour. socially inadaquate.
"check out the bhc, he's full of mince"
by chun December 3, 2004
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a bald headed teacher that stares at girls creepily and checks them out and theres like a 20 year age difference he's also obsessed with being in your personal space when he comes over to your table and his breath stinks sometimes i die when i smell it
girl 1: did you hear about the bald headed perverted teacher was checking that girl out

girl 2: yeah, he's gonna get fired
by a random person that exists October 15, 2019
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a person telling another person to stop acting lame...joking
lisa: man u cant get no more of my lunch

sam: UGH get off that bald head
by Lady_Mickey September 12, 2006
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