The one person out of a large group of friends who does not drink, do drugs,is the designated driver,attends Christian Camp,and plans to save sex for the right time.
Kelly: Hey, we're getting smashed tonight, Aiight?
Trishelle: Chyeah...Oh wait, someone needs to be the Designated Driver!
Kelly: Dont worry, we'll bring Sarah.
Trishelle: Why?
Kelly: Cause she's our abstinant friend.
by Sarah McNasty December 11, 2008
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A specific period of time in which one decides, for personal reasons, that they are not going to have sex.
"Sarah, that guy is totally checking you out! Let's go chat him up!"

"Sorry but you'll have to count me out. I'm sick of pregnancy scares, and so I'm taking a three month leave of abstinence."
by 3monthsordietrying January 18, 2009
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Any videogame or game that consumes your life and causes nobody to like you
two famous abstinence programs are WoW and, more laughably bad, Runescape. Much funner than wearing a chastity belt
by Xtreme2252 March 8, 2009
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Just like the other set of bases only abstinence is involved and normally is the following order:

1. Polite chatter
2. eye contact
3. an odd joke
4. furious dry humping
me and that nice girl rounded the abstinence bases las t night.
by yo mama jokes April 3, 2010
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Voluntarily not having sex. This could be for a period or for a lifetime. Some people who practice this have spiritual reasons. Others want to avoid pregnancy or STDs.
Did you practice sexual abstinence until you married your wife?
-Yes, and it was worth it too.
by somekid1981 June 30, 2009
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When someone (typically a college student) has a fanciful desire to consume alcohol with some fellow mates and get crazy intoxicated, but doesn't have anyone to do so with (due to no close friends or social groups). They are most likely still an alcohol virgin because of this.
High school friend: Hey bud haven't seen you in a long time! How ya been?

Me: Pretty good, university life has been pretty awesome and wild here. Exams are coming soon though so it's getting pretty stressful

High school friend: That's nice! Nothing like a few shots of tequila to help alleviate all that stress

Me: Oh I don't drink alcohol

High school friend: Oh why not? Are you practicing abstinence?!

Me: Bruh of course not, it's just that I have involuntary abstinence...

High school friend: Ah, I understand.
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One practices this in the weeks/months before christmas when eggnog is first in grocery stores. The idea is that you save the first sip of eggnog until near christmas, and the longer you wait the better it will taste.
Guy 1: dude you want some eggnog, nothing better than eggnog by the poolside dude to counter that summer heat!
Guy 2: You're messin up bro, I practice eggnog abstinence every thanks..
by WallaceNolanB November 13, 2011
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