Bill is a fat idiot from Violette1st who eats big macs, drinks beer too much, and soda. He is always shown calling his son, William, a jerk and/or dingbat. He is a fat ass who has probably type 22333333M diabetes and will die in a few years.
"Screw you jerk!" "Shut up, Jerk!" "Frickin dingbat!" "Thanks for screwing my dinner up, you little jerk. FRICKIN DINGBAT!" Bill will die
by Billlllllllllllllllll April 10, 2019
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Someone who is a fucking cock sucker. A "Bill" has no regard for other people and certainly does not have the phrase "Bros Before Hoes" in his vocabulary. Someone who follows this formula may be considered to be "Billish."
Mike: Hey man, wait up, I have to put my books away.

Myq: Nah man I've gotta look out for myself here and get to class.

Mike: Wow okay, that's pretty Billish of you.
by Fuck Bill March 4, 2015
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to be left alnoe, by yourself, when a group of people or persons leave you, to be on your bill
James was billed when his friends left him alone to play football
by Phil Douglas April 14, 2006
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Bill is a amazing papaw his is very loved if you have a bill in your family you better respect it he will always blow you off your horse if your a bill or know a bill you are blessed god bless you
Guy: oh whose papaw is that

Girl: I don't no but I like to have him
Guy:oh wait I think my papaw knows him that's bill
Girl: oh that explains it a lot
by Sarahwillbeatyou December 23, 2018
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1. The flabby, wrinkly ring of skin just below the head of the penis.
2. The flab border between the shaft and the head.
1. "Yo steve, bet you've never seen as much bill as i got goin on."
"Shit wtf thats a shit ton of bill"

2. "Wanna see me bill?"
"Your bill is big af"
by Rudolph da Buqueous July 30, 2013
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To titty-fuck a girl so hard that your penis bruises her underneath her chin.
That bitch had huge tits and wouldn't shut up, so I gave her THE BILL.
by Anonymous August 20, 2003
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to get fired for trying to consule a girl by giving her a hug and in the process getting sprung which you rub against her leg
bill got billed after tring to consule laura
by uby April 10, 2007
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