news or comments good enough to write on someone's facebook wall.
"wow, i can't believe you wrote that on fairy's wall! it was def not wall worthy!"
by ksglp December 1, 2007
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Used to describe a girl which has captivated a guys love SO intensely, said guy would write a story similar to the one featured in "the notebook" about said girl.
Is she notebook worthy?
Yes. Yes she is.
by JTru. March 19, 2010
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A photo that has already been posted on another site, is stolen, and submitted to
Dude, did you see they stole your shit and posted it on the chive? Yeah, you're chive worthy.
by carl skan May 6, 2011
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Used to describe or rate the quality of a location, restaurant, or gathering relative to the likeliness of contracting COVID 19 (a.k.a. Corona Virus).

A person that is worth the risk of contracting a deadly disease to be near or to have intimate and sustained contact.
1. There is no way this meeting is Corona worthy.

2. Rachel is really corona worthy so I would give her a hug and a kiss.
3. I am staying safe and home, there is no party that is corona worthy.
by TheGoodTwin March 30, 2020
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A person who is eligible to receive a gift wrapped in expensive ribbon, because they truly appreciate the value of the ribbon.
(They don't just rip it off and throw it away)
I wrapped her gift in vintage, French, satin ribbon because she is truly ribbon worthy.
by Bahrainz December 25, 2008
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Similar to Seinfeld’s Elaine’s term sponge-worthy.

This term is attributed to when a single mom must decide whether a date is worth the cost of a babysitter. If the planned date either 1) costs less than the cost of the babysitter or 2) the suitor is not highly desired; the single mom should decline.
He asked her her to dinner at a Vietnamese BYOB restaurant with a $20.00 buffet, she determined that the date was not babysitter worthy.

Rachel said Steve is babysitter worthy because he is fun and he takes her sailing.
by TheGoodTwin March 31, 2020
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