coleton : bro have you talked to grady recently

nicky : no cause he is confirmed dog water
by blaplant December 23, 2020
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When you actually fucking suck at the fortnite game because your parents grounded you for a long time and you your friends keep beating you.
Person: Your DOG WATER

by Ur_mom_sucks_because_yes March 23, 2021
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The phrase “Dog water” is usually used to replace the word “Dog shit.” Usually used as an insult in a joking matter.

Very similar to calling someone a “Poopy head.” Not exactly the same, but you get it. It’s a childish way of saying “Dog shit.”

The whole dog water joke originates from a joke made tiktok. The video joked about FORTNITE players toxicity. The video went viral, and now I’m talking about it. This joke is commonly used in video game voice chats.
Wow your dog water at this.

0 pr, 0 earnings, literal dog water, such a shitter.
by TheMilkBag February 22, 2021
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The dog of many spirit animals. Taking the form of the squirrel most the time but also taking the form of the cow, seal, horse, whale, donkey, goat, eagle, panda, fish, sloth, snail, cheetah, pig, and also a older black woman, possibly Aunt Jemima.
Marley the Water Drinkin Dog is the squirrel of the world.
by trashymashy February 20, 2015
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Making effort for nothing. Effort doesn't pay off.
He has been trying to mac on that girl.
Well, it looks like it's watering a dog shit garden.
by jun nakane June 13, 2007
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