The effect that occurs after the tootsie roll critical number has been met or surpassed. The result is while making bowel movements, the tootsie rolls come out like when went in, as if there was no digestion at all.
See all those twentysomething pieces of brown on the floor? This was a direct result of the tootsie roll effect.
by rudog August 21, 2005
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When two or more males simultaneously stick their penises inside of a woman (or man's) butthole.
Clay Aiken: The poop just fell out of me this morning after I fell asleep at that gay bar last night.

Lance Bass: I'll bet they tootsie roll spaghettied you.

Clay Aiken: Awesome.
by x94952 January 3, 2011
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When you take a steaming shit and wrap it in toilet paper, then place it on the top of the toilet for the next user to enjoy.
Jeff thanked me for the Mongolian Tootsie Roll I left him when we talked in the break room.
by Suspensee October 7, 2020
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Licking the toes of your partner's foot.
Hey you know what I love giving my girl a tootsie roll.
by Forrest G November 27, 2007
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A girl who has some splendidly magnificent sexy toes. ..But people like to crACk on em ;. Highly nauseous at times, when socks are thrown off

"DAYMMN giirl! Look at those fineass burnt tootsie roll s, burnt thanngsss"

"Stop throwing those socks! EWWURGGHH "

by daymnn<333 February 10, 2009
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Whatever it is you think you see, becomes a Tootsie Roll (or really, whatever it is you are obsessed with); a syndrome professionals seem to be particularly afflicted with.
Patient: My throat has been horribly sore for about 3 days. Do you think it might be strep?

Doctor with Tootsie Roll Syndrome (TRS): Well, I've seen a lot of this. I bet it's some form of minor cancer.

Patient: Shouldn't we run some tests?

Doctor with TRS: No, trust me, this is definitely cancer.
by TheKosherLoaf April 11, 2011
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