An awkward boy or girl usually with brown or blonde hair. If you ever meet a Sam, never let them go. It may be the last one you meet. They have an amazing personality with stunning eyes and freckles like stars.
I made a friend today! He's a real Sam.
by xXSxnny_Sk13sXx March 30, 2019
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A girl who acts more like a guy then she does a girl.When hanging with the guys, shes one of the dudes, not a dudet. Normaly engangeing in the manly man activities aswell. The name Sam is shortend from Samantha. Hence helping with her boyish attitude.
Dude A: "Dude, look at her, shes just like the guys!"
Dude B: "Nope, shes just Sam."
by 19inchesofhillshirefarms October 25, 2009
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hit puberty when he was in the womb, works out every day, stupider than a five year old on crack, has soooo many std's he cannot even count them.
by Fred is shitty= November 1, 2019
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phil is a sam.

We gave the boys at the club a nickname which is sam.
by lightskinhoney March 21, 2009
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One of he most smartest, most funny people on the planet. Sam is good at everything but isnt over confident and he doesnt brag. He usually likes to prase others instead of himself. He is one of the most lovae-able, kind hearted person you will meet and you shoud snatch him up before anyother girl does because he is a hot ticket.
Person 1: Oh my god, Sam just asked me out on a date!
Person 2: Oh my gosh you must snatch him because he is a sexy wild cat!
Person 1: Its alright. I already said YES!
by SamJam! April 22, 2011
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1. Persons Name-
2. "Asked of God" (Religious)
3. SAM(Surface to Air Missile-Acronym)
1. I was named Sam, by my parents because it was easy going and nice and short.
by Sam Van April 9, 2006
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