When a women’s hair falls out of her head and on to her labia and starts to form a hairball that wraps around the labia like a lasso and suffocates the labia
She came into the emergency room with a bad case of lasso vagina
by Blake Snyder October 1, 2019
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A playful hold to pin a sexual partner underwater allowing penetration into the anus; always accompanied by a reach-around.
Jack was enjoying a pretty non-eventful day until Kyle pleasantly surprised him with the Walker Lasso.
by KSKreeper July 10, 2017
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When someone has had alot of anal sex so they are stretched out they will spin around and try to wrangle the penis or other object with there asshole similar to cattle wranglers on a farm
Those Christian girls that use the poophole loophole are wild she was able to use her asshole lasso to take all three of us at the same time.
by 27Zbowman April 30, 2019
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Da "lariat" dat Harriet is "handy wif" due to her being such a pretty and charming-natured young lady.
Harriet may indeed be very expert at "roping" all of da misty-eyed dudes on da ranch, but it sounds like she practices "catch and release", since she keeps having to free up her "LASSo" in order to "snag" each of da different mushy-hearted guys in succession.
by QuacksO November 17, 2022
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Gender Neutral term for Lad/Lass
More commonly used in the UK
Did you hear, Charlie and George are non binary?! Those are some strong lassos!
by verybisexualnb September 22, 2021
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Two guys/friends/neighbor who are inseparable when they drink, they randomly knit their pubes and mustache together to trap every person that roams their neighborhood.
When Chris and Rob get together there’s bound to be a Lathrop Lasso tossed out to capture others who roam their neighborhood.
by Big Jim 2 April 5, 2023
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A sex trick usually performed in snuff films. During this maneuver, a male takes is penis and wraps it around his victims neck. He then proceeds to hang the victims from a high place, suffocating the victim with his massive dong.
If I go out, I want to make it memorable... Johnny, get your Meat Lasso ready! It's time to shine...
by EatMyDictionary April 6, 2016
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