The act of smashing a clock with a hammer and forcing the jagged debris into a small sock and covering it it lubricant and then violently fitting it in somones anus only to remove it after 48 hours
Mr Morris hit me with The Time Traveler in the tesco's toilet and my anus is very saw
by echo419monty69 July 25, 2022
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To consume enough alcohol to the point where you only remember several key highlights from your binge drinking or night drinking.
Man 'o' man!! I was time traveling last night. After the first bar, I remember only small blips of the evening. Food, that one bar, some chick I danced with, made out, eating all your food outta the fridge...then...
by Milk_wasa-bad_choice December 23, 2014
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A thing from the fnaf books where a an old ball pit somehow can go back in time opens up the possibility of springtrap being in a medieval suit of armour and is incredibly stra age and stupid
Guy 1 : hey did you hear the new fnaf game takes place in Medivail times how is that possible

Guy 2 : time traveling ball pit that’s how
by mercy deserves medic April 25, 2022
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A thing that contrary to popular belief, cannot cause paradoxes. The only way you would be able to kill your grandfather would be to kill him after your father was born, in which case you never met him in the first place and that will be how it's always been. In any other case, you are physically unable to, for you will inevitably be stopped or change your mind. When you go back in time, you are only able to do what has already happened.
guy: Ima prevent (Insert unexpected disaster here) from happening
*Boom boom kapow time travel*
guy: the end is nigh!!!
people: haha crazy person

Back to the future and the umbrella academy are still great btw
by udontknowmeidontknowu April 28, 2021
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When you jinx with another person, and the word is something the other person was re-enacting from his or her path
(Girl) After she told me what she did, all I could say was

(Boy and girl at the same time) wow!
(Boy) Dude did we just time travel?
by SoulGlooo January 9, 2021
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The act of two men whipping out their dicks, and touching the tips together. Once the tips have made contact, the men spin their dicks around, clockwise at incredible speed. If enough speed is built up, it will cause the two of them to travel forward in time. If they spin their dick counter-clockwise, they will go backwards in time. If during this process, the tips lose contact, the world will explode.
"Hey Jim! Do you want to time travel with me?"
by October 14, 2020
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ok so basically you go to a different date than the current but then the new time is the current and so you just changed the present but not your present and theres just like ten million billion trillion paradoxes that destroy the fabric of time that kill everything so just dont please
I dont like Time Travel it is bad do not do time travel.
by The God-Tier Roaster October 18, 2020
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