A medical condition caused by outdoor activities in the heat. Occurs when one sweats profusely in the crotchal area, causing the area to become swampy and nasty. Also the name of popular Texas softball team.

The Texas heat will sure give a man a bad case of swamp sac.
by DirtNasty June 26, 2008
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To have balls. To be brave.
what it means to have sac:

JFK himself. When he was in office, he stood before the world and promised everyone a man on the moon within 10 years. Thing is, nobody had started working on a space program at that point. JFK had no data to back up his claims, no insight into the practicality of space travel. But you know what he had?

The man had sac. The man had the sac to stand before the world and say “Yo yo, get this! We’re going to the moon.”
by Moggraider March 4, 2009
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The practice of pulling your testicles between your legs until they become rested on or near the anus. Performed by guys with the name of Chadd.
If you don't quit back sacking, your testicles will become streched out. \

Don't back sac me bro!
by Peter Heineken November 8, 2007
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When your scrotum stretches out due to summer time weather. A tell tale sign of Summertime Sac is the need for a paint scraper to remove your satchel from your inner thigh.
Man I got the craziest Summertime Sac right now, I almost sat on my own balls !
by John Detlor March 13, 2009
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What someone says when they get sacced in the face by yeets
Person: yeet yeet yeet!
other person: Ouch that was a Yeet sac.
by Noahexists July 10, 2020
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The act by which a male participant grasps the undermost skin of the scrotum (directly above the foremost part of the taint) using only the second knuckles of every finger. Meanwhile, while utilizing both thumbs, push the head of the flaccid phallus into the scrotum itself. Creating the 'frightened turtle' illusion. With the fingers still clasped, simply pull the undercoating over the thumbs and release them. (Think of this as over-tucking into bed.) If all goes accordingly, you have just executed the Triple Sac and have become three times the man of Tom Green.
While trimming your marvelous ball fro, attempt to incorporate the triple sac method to prevent minor cuts, dings and razor burn to the undersack.
by DirtNasty Dan August 31, 2011
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Usually a large black plastic garbage bag used to transport a broken 30 case of beer
Hey man you got our 30 case? Na the shitty keystone box broke open I'm rocking the beer sac
by Dipsac June 10, 2014
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