The Burmuda Triangle is a spot under your left or right asscheek. It is when sumone grabs you under your leg and grabs your inner thigh,the bottom of your asscheek, and the bottom of your balls. It is know to be most uncomfortable when guys do it to eachother. It is used mostly when playing the game "Nervous"
When playing the game Nervous if that particular person wants to have a good shot of winning, he/she will grab your Bermuda Triangle
by DiLL767 September 26, 2010
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A nickname for a girl who plays the game like a champ.

She gets everyone to fall in love with her, tears them down and then builds them back up. She pushes them away and then drags them back when she feels like they're drifting too far. She always leaves people wanting more, and she usually turns single and available people into single and unavailable due to the deep infatuation or love they have for her.

The term "trapped in the Bermuda Triangle" is basically stating, "You're under her spell, face it.. you're always going to want her no matter what."
"Dude, I don't know. She just has this.. control over me. I hate it."
"You're trapped in the Bermuda Triangle, man."
by fkljfkljlaf November 22, 2009
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When a girl has all three holes filled at the same time by three different men.
Dude, last night was great she was down for a bermuda triangle! Me, Timmy and Jake had our dicks disappear like ships in the sea.
by Jeff slash you in the face October 11, 2009
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The act of having a three way sex act with Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox, then turning up missing or dead.
"Jon had a threesome with those two chicks I saw on the news, and nobody's seen him since. Fucking Bermuda Love Triangle man"!!!
by jon726 October 4, 2011
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The irresistible draw of the sight of a woman's pubic hair.
Also a description for losing oneself in sexual relations with a woman.

*This term was coined at Doctor's Cave Beach in Montego Bay, Jamaica (2005).
I haven't heard much from Frank since he and Emily got together. I think he fell into the Bermuda Fur Triangle!
by Dietrich R. January 1, 2008
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Cee’s pussy, which is so delicious and warm and moist that once tasted, one gets lost in it forever.
I went down on the Bermuda Triangle and I’ve been hopelessly, and happily, lost ever since.
by Hobe2505 January 13, 2023
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It’s where one inserts their tongue in someone else’s belly button and then proceeds to lick a trail to one nipple, then the other nipple and back down to the belly button
I got a Bermuda Triangle during Spring Break in St. Pete’s. Matt drooled all over my chest
by Bauknight March 6, 2019
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