Derived form the Survivor TV show. It is used for somebody that makes a big deal out of something that doesn't really matter in the "real" world.
Ross suffers from total survivor syndrome after that guy cut him off in traffic.
by Codeninja November 28, 2007
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A person that was meant to be aborted when they were a fetus but survied due to the abortion failing or not being done correctly.
"I survived my mother's abortion, here abortion doctor tried to kill me, I am an abortion survivor."
by GRM_lol August 5, 2021
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Someone that was supposed to be aborted when they were a fetus but survived the procedure due to the abortion failing to end the life of the unborn human.
"I am an abortion survivor." The abortion doctor failed to kill me when i was in my mother's uterus."
by GRM_lol August 5, 2021
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A survivor friend a.k.a. Temp. Classroom Friend is a friend who you do not totally consider a friend but you will act like thier friend just to make it through a boring class.
None of my friends are in Spanish so I just talk to Sam, my Survivor Friend.

Josh: None of my friends are in math so I talk to Ben, my Survivor Friend.
Carter: Sam is my Survivor Friend in spanish
by Carter Cranberg October 20, 2007
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A bunch of people are like stranded on an island or some very remote place & must go thru many very tough obstacles just to survive. People form alliances & some go back on them. Very Entertaining!
It was So Cool when my son & I tried out for the Survivor TV show! Really exciting!
by Starchylde May 28, 2016
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A person who has endured the worst pain whether it be physical or mental and survived those hard times.
Rod wave is a bottom boy survivor considering all of his pain songs.
by 305TssTss March 30, 2022
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a stupid ass tv show about a person who becomes president when the entire cabinet of the president dies
John: Hey did you see the new designated survivor episode?
Jim: Hell no, you watch that shit?
by lil 69 June 21, 2019
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