Nickname for a outrageously tall bearded man that when drunk talks with a Celtic accent.
That guy down on the far side of the bar looks like a waffle supreme
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1. (v) Pure Awesome.
2. (n)Awesome player of Unreal Tournament. Known to have a bad connection but remains quite lethal.
3. (n)Character in the movie "Idiocracy", known as the only undefeated rehabilitation officer.
4. (v) to totally hand someone their ass.

"That guy is entirely beef supreme!"

"No not Beef Supreme, I'm leaving the server."

"Aw man I totally got beef supremed. :.(

"Chuck Norris is pretty beef supreme"
by thebeef. October 28, 2007
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Someone who got very upset/angry.
CJ and Dakota play Battlefield 4 and love teabagging everyone they kill.
George gets angry supreme when we tbag him.
by ItsCyberWolf March 27, 2016
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A Canadian Based God(dess) who spouts the truth about SJW Culture and it's toxicity. Has a 1950's Trophy Wife vibe, and is very ginger. Could be confused for Lana Del Rey
Bitch, I am Trap Supreme
by sub2pewdsnotTSeries March 11, 2019
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If a person is ‘bap supreme’. That persons breast are of an admirable shape and size.
Look at that bird, she is bap supreme”
by scott046969 October 22, 2019
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When you want to say hot diggity but want to look less nerdy. It won't work.
Darth Sploder: Hot diggity! I mean... (Darth Vader voice) supreme diggity. (from Futurama)
by richdiesal January 11, 2012
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When one defecates, the resulting fecal matter left in the toilet is quite substantial, large enough to form a mountain of feces that breaks the surface of the water, and requires two flushes to completely clear the toilet, or clogs the toilet altogether.
Dude, sorry, you're gonna need a plunger. I just dropped an Omega Supreme in there.

I say, old chap. I waltzed into the loo only to discover that some kind fellow had left an Omega Supreme in there.
by Steve Drambus August 15, 2011
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