Condition: Nursing Student

Side Effects: stress, fatigue, malaise, muscle atrophy, weight gain, nutrional deficiencies, amenorrhea, alcoholism, drug abuse (mostly ADD, ADHD medication), caffeine intoxication, frequent crying, depression, anxiety, insomnia, masochism, suicidal thoughts, insanity, emotional instability, hypochondria, obsessive compulsive disorder, sexual promiscuity, post traumatic stress disorder, mental and or physical abuse of children and significant other, divorce, spiritual distress, ext.
Thought bubble: If I ever become a real nurse will it be as painful as being a nursing student? (Glance at RN's sitting on ass while stuffing face.) Nah, this can't last forever.
by LZS September 26, 2010
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A person in high school enrolled in the maximum number of Honors and/or Advanced Placement (AP) classes. Most are concerned about their grades and have hopes of attending a "good" college. Generally, these students understand the art of BSing everything - essays the night before, homework either copied from a friend in the hall or done in the class before its due, etc. - and still maintain great grades. Contrary to popular belief, many Honors students are down-to-earth, procrastinate like its their job, and are involved in school acitivities. Of course, you'll always have those few whose only friends are the AP Calculus textbook and #2 pencil.
Honors Student 1: I need the AP Calculus homework that's due today! I had a soccer game last night till 8 and then didn't feel like doing anything so I fell asleep.

Honors Student 2: No problem, I need AP Chemistry though, I only could finish half of it this morning.

Honors Student 1: Yeah, that's fine.
by heyheyheyyy August 17, 2009
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One who chooses to add to the breadth of their education by embarking upon a program that may award him/her a master's degree, a Ph.D, or no degree at all. While this decision may, under very particular circumstances, lead to a position as a tenured professor in a university, it will most likely lead to a decade or more of delaying the individual's entry to what most people would call the "real" world. Becoming a graduate student allows one to enter the self-perpetuating institution of academia.
Ex. 1
Typical sign in a physical sciences laboratory: "Do not feed graduate students and other lab animals."

Ex. 2
Grad student: "I'm writing a thesis on the remnants of Victorian culture in modern stereotypes of Transylvania."

Friend: "What are you going to use that for?"

Grad student: "I hope to become an English professor because if I'm lucky, I may one day out-earn high school teachers."
by academicbubble January 7, 2012
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When a teacher tries to become 'cool' or level with their students. Usually given to a teacher that has failed at the attempt.
You know that Mr Johnson? He is such a student's pet... He tried winning the class over with these stupid games.
by GibbonGal November 19, 2008
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Basically those are the poor guys who can have only up to 3 hours of sleep and their only mission in their life is to survive the High School and University.
George is a "slave/ student" , poor kid he doesn't even know how to interact with people or animals.
by Prof. Dr. Stan November 15, 2017
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A college student who most likely pays their own way, works for a living, and wasn't born with well heeled parents to pay for their 4 year day camp "college experience".
Jack isn't at this party because he doesn't have the luxury of having rich parents to pay for his apartment. He is a commuter student and has work in the morning before class.
by Sargent000 October 16, 2014
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An online message board for students. Most users are smug preening tossers who think anything lower than an A* grade means you fail at life forever and will be doomed to work at McDonalds unless you do Physics, Maths or Chemistry. TSR also has an unhealthy obsession with Oxbridge, engaging in daily masturbation sessions to the Times Online League Tables and exiling anyone who doesn't get into a university within the top 5.

TSR users won't hesitate to use their signatures to remind you exactly of their A* grades, what their UCAS choices are along with some 'hilarious' lolcat picture that takes ages to scroll past. Politically, TSR users are extremely left wing, so if you dare say anything bad about immigration, multiculturalism, Islam, feminists, the EU, Marx or the Labour party, you will be torn to pieces, called any combination of the words 'scum', 'racist', 'sexist', 'fascist', 'bigot' or worst of all; 'Tory'. Yes, support the Tories and you might as well tattoo a Swastika on your arse and put "HEIL HITLER" as your sig. There is also a 'rep' system. If you aren't a raging left winger who bums Marx and hails multiculturalism as the Second Coming, prepare to get negged to hell and back. If you want rep, start arse-licking the members with high rep. These tend to be the biggest cunts of all, holding themselves in such high esteem that if their head were any further up their arse, they'd be ingesting stomach acid.
Example of a discussion on The Student Room:

"I think the current economic situation wasn't only caused by the bankers, but Labour's overspending as well."


Your current rep: -1000 (and that's if the bastards are feeling generous)

"Hey I got my results back. I got a B in English Literature, an A in Maths and a B in ICT."
by GideonGravy1234 February 5, 2011
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