When you're both drunk AND stoned
Damn! I barely got home, I was so stonked!
by palpatine47 February 4, 2010
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To illegitimately aquire a good or service in a 'cheeky' manner.
Did you manage to Stonk paying into the nightclub?

Yeah, i managed to sneak in, and well stonked it!
by Liam McBirnie October 12, 2006
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when you stalk someone when they are naked, going to the bathroom, showering, etc. keword: stonk
by anthonysagira September 28, 2019
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(noun): An object/creature that is in general or at that time emitting a horrendous odor.

Taken from the pattern in the word song, a song is a noun, to sing is the action of vocalizing music, sang, is it in the past-tense as well as sung, and so the word stonk is thought of in the same sense as that of the word song.
Man, you're such a stonk!

That ham's now a complete stonk.
by The Cactus January 9, 2009
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(BrE) Tremendous. Via BoJo, connoting a similar capacity for uncertain, quasi-populist misgovernance and general demagoguery as this favourite Trumpian term.
We have had so much doubt and dubitation for such a long time, and the people of this country have given us tonight, I mean, this morning, a huge great stonking mandate because they want us to do one thing that you all know—they want us to get Brexit done.

—Boris Johnson (quoted accurately, without falsification!) on the UK general election and a hard Brexit
by DrSJohnson December 24, 2019
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To secretly read a book that belongs to someone and then gloat about it.
I will utterly stonk you up.
by Beware, for I am a stonker! March 22, 2004
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