Term used when someone gets drugs from someone and doesn't want other people to know who so that person can get more of that drug.
-Where did you get this awesome acid?
-I got my sources.
by Shawn Maglicic December 18, 2005
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Crowd-sourcing your friends (online or in the real-world) to solve a problem or answer a question.
I wanted to know where to grab good sushi, so I friend-sourced on Twitter.
by Trevor Bolliger July 20, 2011
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A person who is good at finding out sources to gather crucial information and hence, is also good at identifying sources of other people due to their skill set.
Person 1: That girl looked really cute, I need to get her details.
Person 2: You've come to the right person.
Person 1: You're a source master, man
by Rachel Brown June 21, 2020
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The phrase someone uses when they do not want to admit how they know something weird without sounding stupid.
I asked sarah how she knew how toilet water tasted. But she claimed she did not know due to source amnesia
by Mmmmo February 9, 2017
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Any project that is open to anyone anywhere, everyone everywhere.

An idea, invention, project,that is open to general public to allow changes in anyway (Preferably for the better)
Government has to have an opeon source policy for street crime prevention.

Lincolndogs is an open source animation project

Dr Malik applies an open source policy on all his inventions and innovations
by Malik W August 16, 2006
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Also known as Cooks Source Magazine, a Magazine from New England, which is full of thieves, crooks, and liars. An organization comparable with death, Nazis, and poop.

In anger, people started to revolt to protect what was rightfully theirs. After all, Cooks Source was the center of all evil. And as people started using Cook Source as a term in conversation, new phrase had been born.

To use the term, simply state something terrible and blame it on Cooks Source, chances are it actually was their fault in the first place.
Cooks Source blocked the adoption of the metric system.
by John Smithh II November 5, 2010
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is someone who is most likely an expert in the specific field which they are writing about. They have either spent a lot of time studying on, around, or in this field, as well as studying the works of other professionals.
This person would have left no stone unturned in their search for the most accurate information, and usually a great deal of respect from their peers and superiors. This is all very important, as it helps to provide that there is truth behind the information, and that it is fairly accurate and trustworthy as well. Which leads us to why it is necessary to use credible sources in our work. It will add strength and "weight" to our writing, allowing our readers some degree of comfort that what they the information contained within is correct.
by Sxy E May 8, 2009
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