Similar to a booty shelf, but it goes all the way around. Big booty, hips, and breasts.
Jon: David, check out the surround shelf.

David: That's a great shelf. I could fix my car's transmission on that surround shelf.
by JonTheMac May 4, 2010
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a shelf within a room in which typically unacceptable or nerdy paraphernalia is acceptable and in most cases cool to have on display
Dude, Nick has a bad ass dork shelf, it has the original Storm Shadow action figure, a signed photo of the Greatest American Hero, some Star Trek books, and the original floppy disks for MS DOS 5.0.
by supirio March 9, 2010
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If one were to be in there "garage" they would have either a)bnook-shelf b) lambogni c) SlidR d) profit
Here in my garage in the hollywood hills with my lambogni. Theres one thing i like more than money,. Knowledge! So i installed this bnook-shelf into my garage.
by Sub to SlidR October 18, 2021
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when four big hairy men are stacked on top of each other during intercourse.
I met your friends and we did a shelf-bear together.
by royaltibuelotgo'sbuttcheacs March 27, 2022
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Shelf kids was created on January 21st, 2009 around 1pm. It was created through a chat room/webcam site called stickam. Four out of five members of the band Cobra Starship went to a Cabin in PA to write songs for their next album. They decided to set up a webcam so fans could watch this process and ask them questions. It was 24/7 for four days. They had the webcam set up on top of a shelf overlooking the table (for most of the time). Somebody in the chatroom mentioned that we were like "flies on a wall" then somebody said "flies on a shelf". Then shelf kids was created. Usually referred to as Shelfies. They also crashed a Metro Station chat/webcam later on, they were the first ones to arrive in the chat and there were so many Shelf Kids that Metro Station had to shut their chat down.

Shelf Kids FANGS UP.
Shelf Kids FTW!!!!
by Liacoolaid January 22, 2009
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Vagina made of the most lowest grade meat (spam)
"Check that slag, I'm gonnae raid her spam shelf n make sum fritters"
by Harry Wallace June 13, 2008
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When you shelf (normally insert something into the rectum) something up the Jap eye (dick hole)

shelf Jap eye
Jayden said at first it hurt when he got J-shelfed whilst getting pegged, but then Joe gave him a wristy at the same time making it feel good
by Susman March 11, 2016
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