When people sell their old/used/worthless things on their front yard at bargain-basement prices. Called such because people often clear stuff out of their garage, put it on their front yard, and decide that instead of throwing it away, they may as well sell it.
If you add a "b" between the "r" and the second "a" in garage sale, you'll see what a garage sale really is.
by Rodney Basil December 22, 2003
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The evidence or remains of a catatrophic accident or wipeout, in which the victim's belongings are scattered or spread out across a large area (resembling a traditional yard sale).
The U-Haul trailer fishtailed into the oncoming semi, then the median strip was a yard sale.
by braver October 8, 2003
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Rooftop b/e, often used to get around locks, alarms, or minority filters
When we got to the store the next morning, the minority filters were still in place but we learned that some of the locals had staged a skylight sale during the night.
by Max Radcliffe June 13, 2006
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If you actually want to buy something (e.g. a product or service), but then manage to not only get the product or service you want for free, but actually get paid to use it. Only the best sellers master reverse sales.
They wanted me to pay for the iPads. But I did a reverse sale and now we are getting paid for using the iPads.
by AlexPowell October 6, 2020
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Frantic hook-up scene outside a bar after closing time
I had such terrible luck last night that I didn't get any play until the sidewalk sale
by danaphosaurus November 15, 2007
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a bad wipe-out on the ski slopes, your shit's all over the place: one ski over here, a pole over there, hat somewhere else
sorry I took so long getting down, had a yard sale on that second jump
by Luber August 29, 2003
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Someone who will do anything for a sale. They will never lose a sale to a competitor. Neither rain, sleet, snow, hell or high water will stand in their way! Once you are a Sales Whore, you are a Sales Whore for life.
1. Ray and Sergio are total Sales Whores. They will do anything for a sale!
2. Did you see how he took that sale from the competitor? He has Sales Whore skills!
by SW1SW2SW3 February 6, 2012
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