an extremely awesome kid with a mullet who every girl should want no matter what people say about him. Also a great loyal friend who can be trusted with anything. You should greet him with a kiss or hug.
Dude 1:Whose that kid with the mullet?

Dude 2:That's Ross!
by OMAN IS AN AWESOME COUNTRY January 19, 2009
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-A very unique word that generally describes a very unique man. A man like no other, one that can bring a smile to your face even if he is a million miles away.

-Can Describe a very handsome man with a smile and eyes that will steal your heart the moment you meet him

-A Ross has a sense of humor that can make even the sternest of men crack with laughter

-Adventurous, always down to seek new heights and be apart of the party, I am sure he is the life of most events that he is apart of

-A brave man with more courage than anyone I know, if you see the cowardly lion should give him a Ross card.
-Some ladies will most likely refer to him as a unicorn

-Has the best way with words, a most genuine personality that you cant help but awesome.

-When speaking of a Ross you are speaking of someone with most likely more charisma than anyone you have ever encountered

-A Ross is respectful
-The heart of a Ross is very large

-You will only come in contact with a Ross most likely once in your life, pretty lucky
"Wow! You have a Ross? You better keep that one!"

"Have you ever encountered a Ross?"

"Thats one sexy Ross over there?"

"Ross is so amazing!"

"I am pretty sure i just met a Ross. Do you think he noticed me as well?"

"I am so lucky to have Ross in my life"
by Goofball6 February 3, 2010
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A Ross is usually a brilliant, funny, man. Though very tough on the outside, soft and fun and nice on the inside. Similar to a cactus. Ross's are usually very strong. Ross's are the type of person that you want to be around because they will lift your spirit faster than you though possible. Ross's will always find a tough moment as a moment to learn. Surrounding yourself with Ross's is sure to make you simply a better person.
"Whats your dads name?"
"Ross, he's the best!"
by Lordgamer November 19, 2018
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Usually a man whore, big ol druggie, smokes more weed than Snoop Dog
by Jinslil June 26, 2020
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A Tall, hot, sexy, big dicked PIMP. Loves bj's in the woods and wanking over skype.
Damn, look at him, he must be a Ross
by qwertyuiolkmjnhbgvfcderftgybhn October 22, 2013
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To be ridiculed behind your back by people you thought were your good friends, who were in fact, childish and immature and can’t own up to the fact that they are jackals the moment your turn your back and will throw any insult because it makes them feel superior when instead true people are up front about their feelings and aren’t two-faced cowards, and true friends will stick with you without comments behind your back despite your flaws and if not they’re not your friends and have no business knowing you.
"Rossed means you played well, it's nothing bad"
by truesome January 9, 2006
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Me: wow look at that gay dude
Friend: yea he is probably a Ross
by $walot May 13, 2019
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