The Angry Video Game Nerd, Board James, and BullShit Man. He's the founder of Cinemassacre and runs the show along with Mike Matei. He's made movies his entire life and lives in Pennsylvania with his family. A true legend of the internet.
by RockManZero3 March 15, 2020
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A strong alternative to lol, used in response to an extremely funny or witty joke. A play on the name of popular musician and entertainer Rolf Harris ('Rolf' being a corruption of 'rofl', while 'Haharris' combines 'Haha' with 'Harris').
Person 1: (Says something extremely funny)
Person 2: Rolf Haharris!
by Dixonbainbridge August 16, 2006
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When engaging in anal sex and you take your thang out of your girl's butt and draw a charicature on her ass with it, this is known as performing a rolf harris.
Dude, last night I was shaggin' my mates bird when I rolf harris'd his face on her sweet cheeks.
by Nick June 18, 2006
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one look at this fucking pile of shit and you will want to drink a large bucket full of bleach and question god's existence for creating this fucking rat, commonly referred to as rolf or more popularly, jacob saggytits.
person 1: omg! Wanna watch this video of rolf sartorius with me?
person 2: sure, ill bring my bleach!
by fuckingpieceoftrash June 17, 2016
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A word comprised of "rofl" and "lol" put into a "pseudonym" similar to that of Ralph Lauren... First thought of by Dylan Kent aka Henry Daniels from!!
Super:"Holy shit this Batdog guy is gay!!"

Henry: "Rolf Lolren!! Yous right!!"
by Rolf Bobren December 28, 2009
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olivia originating from the words "olive" and "a" and Rolfs originating from the acrostic poem "REal orange llamas fly south"
Olivia Rolfs means to be CUte happy perky peppy funny down to earth and booooootiful
by Suzie Q March 17, 2005
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