A popular store that supplies in your daily need of AIDS and anything AID worthy including:

-Your grandpas dentures
-a gallon of african kid blood
-a used tooth brush
-a crack needle with a significant amount of blood
-a camel nut
-a dead goldfish
-A gallon of bleach
And a tumor from a cancer patient
Man: Dude i have AIDS
Man 2:Well lets go get you some stuff from Rite-AIDS
by Mr.werbenjagermanjensen jr November 16, 2017
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agreeing to something someone said, or did
"she a hoe"
"i no das rite"
by JAYJAY~ May 19, 2007
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Along time ago in 2016 Zach robbed a local Rite Aid and stole a track phone. Recently he has been seen with his accomplices Squeaky and Hendry.
Rite Aid Robber must of stole your track phone
by New Cumberland February 10, 2018
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'am i rite' is usually used in a non-serious but humerous come back, using an on-perpose ferudian slip or rhyme to discribe something, and makes sense in context.
This term is usually used in the format of 'more like _______ am i rite?". It originated from the popular forum on Somethingawful.com.
Only a true geek would ever say something like this in real life.
Did you see the latest movie about that fire starting guy? It was action packed and full of excitement.

More like matchstick packed and full of ignitement, am i rite?
by MY2K December 4, 2004
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their the cheap five dollar shoes that make your feet stink, not comfortable until you wear it until the inside of it turns black, and gives you bad tanlines. their the shit. it's the shoes that both scene kids can two step in, and bag ladies both afford.

comes in different designs and colors
foreign kid: "WHERE'D YOU GET YOUR SHOES?"
*scene kid stomps away in cheap five dollar shoes that's made out of paper on the bottom*.

kid one: "yeah rite aid shoes rool, they made mah feet stanky, and they have holez on them. lolzolz."
second kid: "ooh my grandma has those, and so does the bum down the street. TEEHEE"
by olivia aka retra February 16, 2006
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Means "Am I Right?", Used often in forums to make a joke.
I'd hit it...

by Arthas June 16, 2006
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