A shit that is COMPLETELY liquid, with absolutely no solid matter whatsoever. Also known as a Liquiturd. Usually a result of being sick with the flu or a severe virus. Not to be confused with a Taco Patty, which has a more oatmeal-like texture.
"I got the swine flu from Rosalinda, and had Rhea Perlman for four straight days! I almost shit myself twice!"
by Penis Mighty July 17, 2014
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The wrestling goddess of heel turns
After clash at the castle 2022 Rhea ripley created one of the biggest heel turns of the year by getting dominik mysterio to join the judgement day and attack both Edge and his father Rey mysterio
by Killkou September 8, 2022
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A phrase originating from British Columbia Canada describing the intense burning feeling experienced while taking a crap. A combination of diarrhea and the extreme sensation of fire coming out with the runs. This feeling can last for one bathroom visit or many visits. Commonly experienced after a very spicy meal.
"Dude, I had the worst case of fire-rhea last night after we ate all those hotwings. It felt like I was crapping out battery acid."
by Alexander A. February 8, 2007
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the act of having an diarrhea equivalent to a category 5 hurricane
Dude, I wouldn't go in that bathroom for about an hour Hurricane Rhea just came through!
by Andrew RRRRR September 26, 2008
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1. n. The act of acquiring the sickness "diarrhea" after ingest any type of hummus.

2. The word hummus in " Hummus-rhea" can be replaced by any food word that gives you diarrhea.
Dane where are you? Bathroom! Got hummus-rhea again!
by Mr. Chestensen September 15, 2010
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R- Rare
H- Honest
E- Elegant
A- Amazing

A- I
L- Love
M- her
O- so
N- much
T- always

E- Forever
Rhea Almonte is my wife.
by Fluffybaby January 22, 2022
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Rhea Sharma is one of the most trending actresses of itv
She acts very well
She likes to stay simple
She is a very down to earth actress
She does not stay much active on SM
Rhea Sharma is a rising star
by Kanak Rathi January 25, 2021
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