when you pet a friendly woodland animal that you find in an unexpected circumstance
yo dude i just rawdogged that deer back there! did you see that?
by arielle8 November 2, 2021
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Unprotected sex; not wearing a condom, so your hot dog is raw. Tappin' without the wrappin'.
Brad: Hey man you free?
Chad: Sorry bro, I'm rawdogging this girl, getting her pregananant.
Brad: Bro...
Chad: Bro...
by Wuddles March 25, 2019
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When an angry woman gets revenge on her man by replacing his jerk off lotion with sloughing lotion (used to rub off dry skin)... resulting in him rubbing his dick skin off.
He pissed me off, so i put dr schol's in his jerkins lotion bottle and gave him a "rawdog"!
by tuhrikki chick August 30, 2017
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Someone who turns 21 and rawdogs it in the parking lot of a stripclub on the ground, while being buzzed but still conscious enough to know that this is nasty. This act of Savage Rawdogginess leads to the person becoming famous and envied by all those around them. Though it may seem like blue skies and rainbows, the person usually goes home with a present thats never wanted...ew.
Ram: Yo dog i straight up Savage Rawdogged this chick in the parking lot of the Driftwood last night for my birthday!!! That shit was fucking OMEGA TITS baby!!!

Sanchan: Ahhhhhhhh shit ma nigga!!! So you dick burning yet?
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When you have no problem having having sex with a girl without a condom on because her family is well off.
Dude...you hit it with no rubber on?! She's not even that cute, what are you thinking??!! "Bro her dad owns a multi million dollar company, it was an investment Rawdog!
by JimmyGrawdogger May 18, 2018
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