(v) In poker, if you have a great hand but worry that if you bet, nobody will call -- you check through and wait for someone to assume you missed too. When they bet to scare you off, you raise them, resulting in a larger pot.
Check-raising only works if you're first to act and you're the only person who made a hand.
by Coell May 13, 2005
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When someone shows poor manners or etiquette.
Take your shoes off when you come in. What, were you raised in a barn?
by TractorKing120 July 11, 2016
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to acheive an erection
Joe: All set for your interview?

James: Yeah, but I'm really nervous. The CEO is so hot, hope I don't get raised in the middle of it.
by Simon Dicktouch September 14, 2009
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The act of raising so much ruckus that nobody understands what's going on. This words stems from Wally World the band.
Emily: "Dude, did you see the amount Kaine Dan was raising on the dance floor?"
Stella: "Dude yeah, that was so much Kaine!"
Dan on the dance floor: *Raising Kaine*
by Wallyworld1969 April 28, 2019
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A powerful epidemic across the world. Usually a result of overconservative parenting exclusively among men (women are generally exempt) that now is manifesting itself in various ways into adulthood. Usually an excessively boring, simple mentality that is generally common in parts of the country (midwest, south) and is found across the world at varying levels. Not as common in Western Europe or California.
Dude, what's up with all this Warcraft stuff those guys over in IT keep talking about?

It all comes down to one thing...the way they were raised.

Wait, what do you mean...

They were raised to be lame!
by Ronnie Jonez January 13, 2010
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Usually occurring on a Friday night after a long work week, this term refers to driving around with your friends doing absolutely nothing because you aren't old enough to get into bars and there's nothing better to do 'round these parts. This activity is most common among teens from rural communities and small towns who mislabel it as "raising hell" to make their lives sound less dull and more badass. Though "raising hell" is often more boring than badass, it is sometimes known to include SERIOUS badass activities, such as loitering, underage drinking, running red lights, and even swerving a couple feet into a cornfield just to be an asshole!
In the big city, it's called "driving around aimlessly" and it makes you boring. In the country, it's called "raising hell" and it makes you BADASS.
by redeyegrits August 9, 2013
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