A reward for a person holding a private party or drinking session. It happens when, in the aftermath of a party, booze brought by other people is left at the person's house and the host picks it up and keeps it for their own use later. It can be seen as a kind of tip for the host of the party although in most cases it is just left there because the original owner has forgotten about it.
My house was pretty wrecked from that party on saturday. But there was a healthy Booze Profit: 5 Buds, half a litre of vodka and a few sips of Sambuca
by xndrh1 December 13, 2010
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The act of a woman (that isn't a hooker) Accepting money or other perks for sex.
Girl 1 "That guy you took home last night,was butt-ugly"
Girl 2 "Yeah but he was rich so I consider it a profit fuck"
by Rednus_Fluxx March 10, 2008
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An attractive woman that has blonde hair and is very unintelligent.
She tried for hours to figure out why the Christmas lights weren't turning on, only to find out that she never plugged them in; when she told this story all of her friends called her non-profits for weeks!
by RCONN28 November 30, 2016
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Otherwise known as Saint Valentine's Day. Celebrated on February 14 every year, Corporate Profit Day is the time of year that business rakes in billions of dollars preying on the irrational desire of many couples to legitimize their relationships in the eyes of their peers.
Jill: Hey Jack! What did you get your girlfriend for Corporate Profit Day?

Bob: I got her a box of chocolates and some flowers because we are getting SO serious!

Jill: Oh, you must love her more than my boyfriend loves me because he only got me a box of chocolates.
by clippo February 9, 2011
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The least profitable thing in the world run by people who are out of touch with their own emotions and will never probably never understand what life is really for.
You’d be hard-pressed to find anything less profitable than a profit-driven company.
by kabukulator September 15, 2011
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Leave it to the shameless capitalist to project a profit motive onto a guy who didn't even know that what he was doing was literally worth billions of dollars...
Hym "Yeah... It's profit motive... That's what this.... I planned on generating billions of dollars because I'm so much the genius that I can type worse into a random website and do that with little to no effort... That's my master plan... I mean... I said that I could to it because I'm better than everyone but still..."
by Hym Iam April 8, 2023
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A Group/Movement that is headed to take over the music industry.
J-Bry, J-Torch, Vee Nyce, S-Boi, Mikey, ZG, etc. are profit gang! Bang
by Profitttttt! October 27, 2009
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