evolved from the term noob- meaning basically the same thing. a poob- one who is annoying, sucks, or anything else not good associated with computer games. originates from the Elite Squad that plays Joint Operations.
I cant believe that James is such a POOB! He killed his own teammate!
by Es.Snake May 21, 2005
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can be used in many different parts of speech and considered a curse word in most american towns. originating from the intricate pallendromes boob and poop. two young and intelligent scholars created this word to unify the two legendary elementary school no nos to create a super curse for all immature beings to use at their disposale.
bobby-"jane, ur a poobing poobed up whore."
jane-"well bobby! you can go poobing shove youre poob up youre own poobing ass!"
teacher-"shut the poob up you poobing brats!"
by dr. poop and dr. boob September 2, 2005
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a name given to a girl who has big boobs and eats lots of pizza.
pizza boobs.
step-mom: "Cindie, you need to stop eating so much pizza, your boobs are getting too big."
friend: "HA HA, Cindie's got poobs!"
by starfish September 11, 2004
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A noob that poops their pants. As in gets really mad for no reason and makes a scene.
d00d: Hey do you have any spare death runes?
d00dz0r: H3y why dont y0u g0 w0rk f0r y0ur 0wn and st0p begging 0ther people cuz j00 suckz0r at lyf3
d00d: Woah man calm down don't terd yourself poob.
by Alex Aiken April 3, 2007
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Wouldnt you love to caress those poobs
by Tom English December 22, 2004
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A variation on the words peng and boobs, meaning the owner of said poobs has a set of "Peng boobs".
Originating from Nottingham, UK, where poobs are aplenty, boys regularly spy-out a nice looking lady and set about the task of getting into her underwear to discover just how peng their 'poobs' are.
Naomi - Wow, my boobs look great in this tight dress, the cleavage comes up to my eyes!
Ben - They certainly are a nice pair of poobs! (Stare)
Naomi - Why thankyou!
by Ben Tricarico November 26, 2007
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