The uncontrollable undeniable natural yearning to stay forever young at heart. Not immature but playful. Not naive but constantly curious and wondering. Disinterest towards more responsibilities (having children/family) but more so interested in playing-having good times-exploring-traveling-learning-getting lost.
"He's almost turning 30 with no kids, no wife, no mortgage.. He must have Peter Pan Syndrome"
by Huxley_ March 4, 2015
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Peter pan syndrome (PPS) is a condition where an adult acts much younger than others of their age group. PPS can be temporary or long-lasting. Someone with PPS demonstrates at least three of the following characteristics:

1. Knowledge and use of youth culture that is unusual when compared to their peers in age
2. Having most of their friends and/or major relationships with people much younger than their age OR with people who also have PPS
3. Avoidance of saying their age; when describing themselves, may use phrases such as "young at heart", "adventurous", "young soul", "never grew up", "one of the cool ones", "carefree", etc.
4. Having a consistent pattern of failed commitments (career/romantic relationships/other major adult responsibility); directionless in life goals
5. Constantly missing their youth and frequent attempts to recreate it
6. An inability to mentally view themselves at their current age
7. Deliberate avoidance of responsibility or being uncomfortable with commitment

It can result due to multiple reasons, such as (but not limited to) a fear of aging, existential anxiety, or a personality disorder in severe cases.

See "Wendy Syndrome" for someone who enables, feels responsible to "fix", or acts in a caregiver role to the person with PPS -- often resulting in a unhealthy or codependent relationship.
The first step to fix peter pan syndrome is to acknowledge that you have it.
by bluelilacs4 May 24, 2023
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A major psychological and social issue that arises when an adult avoids the personal and professional responsibilities of being an adult. Some of the symptoms include difficulty expressing emotions, procrastination and unclear or poorly defined life goals, and "magical thinking" around mistakes or responsibilities, blaming others for their problems, have difficulty forming a deep connection with people, often desperate to find a partner but has difficulty maintaining meaningful relationships, and trying to escape their reality to make their problems disappear. The person’s maturity level usually does not match their age.
Ivan is twenty-seven, but has not graduated college, does not have many close friends, can’t seem to maintain romantic relationships for long periods of time, and tends to procrastinate a lot to avoid taking care of important responsibilities. He appears to have Peter Pan Syndrome.
by Vanguard 1998 March 28, 2021
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Bob feels very sad that he has a Peter Pan penis. It won’t grow up!
by Not a legend 27 July 13, 2019
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a pamphlet containing information about various things including closet monkeys, Horatio Sanchez, and when not to eat bananas
"Where did you hear that from?"

"I found it in The Peter Pan Handbook."
by Sin-dee January 12, 2009
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When a man finds out actual age of the female he was with the previous night was not yet the age of consenting.
Jason got peter pan slapped when he found out Danielle was only 13!!!!!!!

He does enjoy the girls from Neverland.
by <>< thefishkid October 1, 2009
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A grown man in his 30's living at home with his parents. This little fairy rather mooch off his parents, than find a real job and obtain his own home. Usually has part time hours making peanuts.solely content on being a burn out and having his mommy take him out for lunch or pack a lunch for him, since he is too broke to buy his own. He is unable to funtion alone in society. They usually have to be continually reminded to brush their teeth since they are extremely lazy and function like a person with severe mental disabilities. They have no goal or ambitions they usually are banking on inheritance of their parents death. They also usually have alcoholic tendencies and are completely dependent on drugs. They also love to be stage 5 clingers, who stalk you when you realize they will never grow up. Usually a woman beater and when you want to leave or break up will beat you repeatedly and then cry and lack genuine empathy. They will be jealous of all your friends and even your family. They also can even use a passing of a person to try and manipulate people into feeling sorry for them and somehow make it all about them. Narcissist and sneaky! Stay far far away from this type of boy trapped in a mans body! Peter pan sydrome is real. It cannot be fixed move on
"Hey leah Can you come out tonight for my birthday?"

"Sorry girl you know how Justin is he will Be so mad or insist he come he is really insecure."

"Why are you so sad Leah?"

"Im so isolated by Justin,he wants me to himself only, I feel smoothed he suffers from Peter pan sydrome and wants me to hang with him and his parents"
by justicelady April 5, 2014
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