There are 3 types of Parkers. The average Parker is so fucking annoying like shut the hell up. He also has a record for tiniest dick, it looks like a vagina. The rarer middle name parker is still annoying but he can easily get you to care about him. He's also an asshole sometime, though he will restore your faith in Parkers. Then there is the girl parker. Said to be the spawn of Satan she will kill you with her annoying personality and you will hate her for the rest of your life. She's also such a fucking dumb blonde. Legends say that one day the 3 Parkers will meet and have a legendary battle. However if the girl parker wins Armageddon will start and all hope will be lost. They're all really tall or really short though.
Person 1: "Hey bro do you see Parker over there?"

Person 2: "Yeah she's so fucking stupid."

Person 1: "No not her, that Parker over there messing with Jacob."
by BattlerOfTheParkers June 3, 2023
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That one kid with the badass yankees hat that you just gots to have.
me: Ayo! you wanna help me take Parker's hat?
Friend: Oh yeah! fo shit sure!
by Tibonezone November 10, 2021
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The hottest guy you'll ever meet and is easy to joke around with. He is fun to hang out with and you could trust him with your life. Parker is the best boyfriend you'll ever have and you'll be lucky if you get to meet one. He is athletic and has a good sense of style. His girlfriend's often take his hoodies because they love the smell of his cologne.
Girl 1: Look who's that hottie?
Girl 2: Oh that must be a Parker
by SwagGod2256 June 30, 2019
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a hella gamer and loves minecraft terraria and cs:go you should play with him sometime
by Big boi Peter November 1, 2019
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Parker is usually to unique. You hurt somebody that care about or love and you better be prepared for a very aggressive person. Parker has a great sense of humor, they will make you laugh . They are funny but yet understanding.Parkers will always have your back as long as you got theirs. Any girl would be lucky to have a Parker. Parkers make a amazing boyfriends, and are very loyal.
Girl: have you heard about the chick is friends with a Parker
Girl2: yeah, have you heard about the girl dating him though???

Girl: she so lucky
by Rockzz Rockz October 2, 2019
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