Some sex or?

When you see two people in an intimate situation. You double-take, and realize their having sex. And then it will be appropriate to say the phrase, "Du sex ou."
Matt Monfaredi walked into a room with Zach Rose and Alex O'han having hot buttsecks. Matt yelled out "DU SEX OU!"
by Jewnamical November 25, 2005
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In simpleton terms, Jello-O-ous is when you are wicked jealous of someone of something. Basically, Jello-O is so crazy intense that you're jealous of its fresh dancing abilities - the art of wiggle dance - that you describe all of your intense jealousness using that ratio. The ratio being your jealousness of Jello-O to that of your jealousness of some other object - or person.
"Hey John, how are you doing?" - Waldo.
"Oh, hey Waldo." - John.
"Man, that is one wicked argyle sweater. I'm pretty jealous." - Waldo.
"Oh yea. I can totally see it in your eyes." - John.
"Actually, I'm pretty Jello-O-ous of it." - Waldo.
"Yeah, I think most people are. And I know that the ladies dig it." - John.
"Well, see you later John." - Waldo.
"Peace out, Waldo." - John.
"Hey, where's Waldo at?" - Chuck.
"I think he just went that way." - John.
by John Baumert January 17, 2008
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The lyrics from a song Pixel Pig. Very deep. Usually represented by a skeleton. Lyrics superior to Turi ip ip ip
Oir dei dyear ou
bwoi ey eor
dya o or a ay ee
ee a dea ou

bwaa ai eea
pa o da a
day ee

dee a dyer aa

bway aye e
dya o bwoi a
ay ee ee a da

daa ayy diaah
deh ee
ee ee a o

bwam den dun trsh
ksht dan bwam wah

drun beh bwon trsht
psht dun bah

oir dei dyear ou
bwoi ey eor
dya o or a ay ee
ea oa dor

ea oi bwoi i
dam bwya
by Civilian Gaming July 1, 2022
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where is the beef? british slang, using french words
beef - drama, confrontation

someone looking for a fight would say 'ou est le boeuf?'

by phish00 June 12, 2008
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A term used to describe someone acting cool or awesome in any way, shape or form. Implying that they suck, and it's completely unnecessary
User 1: I was wondering if you could make your 3DS videos on youtube in 3D?
User 2: Maybe when the 3DS comes out..

User 3: Ou you fancy huh?

(to user 2)
by 3DSForums October 9, 2010
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An existancial question just kd its a retard one evryone know is chocolatine yu dumbass
Guy number 1 pain au chocolat ou chocolatine?
Guy number 2 run away and never comeback
by Mid360 February 15, 2020
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