nika is a brata nd she likes milfs more than her friends
person1: nika is hot
person2: she likes milfs
by August 1, 2022
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The most hottest, cutest, sweetest beautiful girl out there who is caring, adorable and loving! Everyone wishes to have her as girlfriend and she only improves your life into the right direction! Those cute brown eyes, obsessing hair, and soft little cheeks and lips are nothing but perfect! She is the definition of beauty and signifies a real loyal girlfriend! She is a soulmate and the best lottery out there!
I love you my dream wifey!
Nika is the cutest and sweetest out there!
I am lucky to have a girlfriend named Nika!
by Someoneinlove.101 November 25, 2021
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a girl who is lovely and has dog named leo.

by ur friend alya February 10, 2023
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The whites favorite word to use with other whites
by Pppants70 July 4, 2023
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Nika is a girl with brown eyes and tan skin. She is a Persian girl who has strict parents that care a lot about her grades. She has about 10000 million cousins that she can't keep track of and meets a new family member every day. She hides a lot of things like anxiety, depressions etc. But she puts on a smile whenever around other people. She studies her butt off to get perfect grades for her parents all while doing sports, extracurriculars, and living a normal life. She doesn't let too many people get close to her because of how many of them have hurt her in the past, but once you get to know her you'll see she is an amazing friend. Never ever lose a Nika, because they might be the best thing that ever happened to you.
My friend's name is Nika.
by randomstuff123 September 17, 2021
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Nikas is funny and enjoys hanging out with all sorts of people. The type of girl who pushes other people over, and loves volleyball. Nikas is usually quite short, and most people want to be friends with Nikas.
Nika likes to laugh.
by Dog fleas November 23, 2021
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Sheś the smartest of class/work and sort of shy. She is as equally pretty on the outside as she is on the inside and is optomistic.
That girl is so Nika
by I.AM.NOT.NIKA November 4, 2022
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