a female who is rather ugly and/or has an unwashed appearance.
by LittleRed January 12, 2007
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e.g a person who is not exactly good looking, has fallen into the ugly tree and hit every branch or someone who is challenged in the good looks department.
"errrrrrrrrr look she's a ugly munter"
by chunkymonkey August 7, 2005
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To be someone of extream uglyness
OMG look at that F*cking munter
by Garbit October 9, 2006
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1) an ugly or grim individual

2)The art of munting: You and a friend go to the cemetary and dig up a corpse, you put you mouth around the corpses genitals while your friend jumps on its stomach.
I heard you got caught munting in the mortuary recently.
by Baron Von Munthousen January 3, 2005
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A sexual act involving a corpse. One puts their penis in the mouth of the corpse and gets a friend to stamp on the stomach of the deceased so that the entrails rise up and massage your phallus.
See above - it pretty much speaks for itself.
by Ricardo De La Fonte May 8, 2005
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A person whose facial features are so foul that you have been scarred for life by the extremity of their face. Or some one who is completely retarded in the extreme.
A jehovah walks onto my lawn. I would reply gtfo my lawn you fucking munter. he would probably reply: There is no need for these words. To which my response would be: Fuck off you stupid fucking cunt. I dont like you being on my lawn GTFO it and die in a car accident because no one likes you you larry.
by sam morrissey March 25, 2008
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Proper ugly bint, too ugly to even do the normal way. Uk slang.
Dave was a munter-shunter, his bird was so ugly he had to do her prison-style.
by duffy December 27, 2003
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