with a vagina.
by Anne Frank May 18, 2008
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1. sweet
2. likes strawberries
3. hates cherries
4. smartest boy in class
5. charming lito thing
by Princess Cherry February 21, 2003
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Politically correct word for the politically incorrect misusage of the words "retard" or "retarded."
Johnny walks into a tree and proclaims "I am such a muffin!" or Arianna and Amanda run into the freezing lake with bikinis and two days later recall the incident to one another: "That was so muffin."
by jessg December 7, 2006
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a random pointless word put after describing somone
Omg she is such a fat Muffin.

Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin Muffin
by Hannahisacoolmuffin March 11, 2008
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muf·fin (verb) 1. The act of totally sucking at any activity, especially videogames, which includes acumulating a once thought impossible score.
P1: Damn it all, I got -10 points!
P2: Dude, your muffin.
by Kevin Stewart January 28, 2008
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A sex call, when this is said it stimulates the female sexually and makes them horny almost immediately
When he said "Muffin, Muffin!", I jumped on top of him and proceeded to fuck him.
by AnDDreWWW March 23, 2004
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Muffins on Muffins is general "Prep" slang for Arguing over the same general principle, agreeing, and not realizing your both on the same side of the argument.

It was created in early 2005, and spread wildly through the east coast of the United States. It was mostly used by people tripping on acid at Techno gigs, who were arguing over pseudo-politics.
People who were also on "A" would call the two participating, "Arguing about Muffins on Muffins"

It has recently traveled to 4chan and Gaia.com, making it almost instantly to Netspeak status.
Remember when Azu and Slow were arguing over who liked kittens the most, and they both thought it was DjTaka? Azu kept calling him Taka, and Slow kept calling him DJ, so they thought they were talking about other people? Damn, they were arguing over Muffins on Muffins!
by Azu January 26, 2005
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