Getting sort of raped by sketchy fraternity guys, etc. There is no penetration, but, you know mild rape occurs
I was at Gamma delta iota this weekend and got mild raped by this brah
by go fuck yaself February 18, 2009
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When you smoke the first half of a Black and Mild blunt, the half you are left with is known as a half and mild.
Broseph: Hey bruh you wanna light up that half and mild you have left over from last weekend?

Broskittle: Hell yeah turtle bro we're gonna get so retarded!
by ToastedCracker September 15, 2013
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A mild negrot is a nigga who’s a fuckboy, has style but is not yet tame nor spicy, a nigga who fucks with you but you don’t fuck with him
“Is that nigga still texting you?”

Yeah but he’s a mild negrot so I can’t fucks with him”
by K.O.D October 28, 2017
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The lowest and least highly regarded descriptor that one can use in reference to an object or event when evaluating said item's worth based on the Taco Bell Sauce Scale (or simply "Sauce Scale"). The term "mild sauce" is used to describe a girl that is severely lacking in the beauty/hotness department, a bad-tasting food item, an uncool object, or an idea or event that lacks inventiveness. Items that are declared as "Mild Sauce" are vastly less cool than items declared Fire Sauce, and slightly more lame than items declared Medium Sauce.

Similar to the idea of "Weak Sauce."
"I can't believe my Mustang just got spanked in a race by that kid's Honda."
"I can, because your shit's MILD SAUCE!"

"Man, I can't believe you actually nailed that chick last night! That chick was total mild sauce! HAHAHA!"
"Dude, don't remind me..."
by De La Nooch September 22, 2008
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a small cigar with a plastic tip used for better inhalation, available in a variety of different flavors
yo lets go smoke the black n milds.
by carmen showty May 25, 2008
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a term in movie ratings used when there is a low-key, but potentially upsetting element of the story.
in the movie, Good Night, and Good Luck, the inexplicit presentation of the suicide of Edward Murrow's underling, Don Hollenbeck, would be considered one of its mild thematic elements.
by vm0d January 27, 2006
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