A man who thinks it is acceptable to call his wife a trollop and a cunt in public.
Cindy: "Honey, can we go home now, this 24/7 campaigning is pretty tiring"

John: "Shut your face you cunt. I only married you for your family's money, you Barbie shrink wrapped trollop cum dump."

Fox News reporter: "That John McCain, what a passionate guy. I can't believe people would quote him out of context"
by schmarn May 14, 2008
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Well-known Republican senator from Arizona. Best known for having served in Vietnam, having a bad temper, and being a moderate Republican.

Contrary to popular belief, McCain isn't a liberal Republican. In fact, he is pro-life and supports many of the ideas of the Republican platform. He is very popular with the "liberal" media because of his controversy and slight deviation from the traditional values of the Right.

Although he supports Dubya in this war, there is some speculation that McCain is merely catering to the far-right Republicans in his party that don't like him.

Whether this is true or not, John McCain is a heroic, patriotic American who isn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in. Hopefully, he'll continue to follow his own beliefs instead of being another Republican puppet.
John Kerry considered John McCain for a running mate, even though their political beliefs are quite different.


I love this guy.
by anonymous December 14, 2004
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1. an adjective used to describe a person who is so surgically altered that they resemble a poorly drawn comic book alien.
2. an old dried up stretched out version of Paris Hilton.
3. a person who steals drugs from poor, starving, 3rd world children.
4. a younger woman who steals a disabled persons' husband.
5. Someone who uses their large fortune to get out of trouble.
1. I bought a comic at the dollar store. I want my money back because the main alien is such a Cindy McCain!
2. When Paris Hilton is ninetey she will be such a Cindy McCain.
3. My brother pulled a Cindy McCain and stole oxycotin from his Peace Corps chapter in Afghanistan.
4. That Cindy McCain took my sister's husband after she was disabled in a car accident.
5. I got stopped by the cops but I pulled a Cindy McCain and they let me go.
by mittensandbuddy August 26, 2008
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Current U.S. Senator from Arizona and running as a Republican for President of the United States. He is a war hero and was a prisoner of war during Vietnam. However, being a war hero does not qualify anyone to be President of the U.S. He is a traitor to the Republican party and masquerades himself as a Conservative by stabbing his party in the back and voting with liberal Democrats on critical Congressional Bills. He has cosponsored many Congressional Bills with very liberal Russ Feingold of Wisconsin (McCain-Feingold) and Edward Kennedy of Massachusettes (McCain-Kennedy). He has numerous times voted against tax cuts and limited Congressional spending. This man will do anything and say anything by relying on voter ignorance to become President of the United States. He can easily criticize his opponents but can't take the criticisim towards himself. He has attacked his Repeblican opponents and calling himself the "most consistent Reagan Conservative." What a joke and a clown. To prove he isn't a Conservative, he was endorced by the New York Times and the Boston Globe. Go figure. Unfortunately his tactics coupled with voter ignorance will probably result in the Republican nomination for President.

He is the epitome of the word REPUBLICRAT, and it's people like him who are what is everything wrong with Washington.
John McCain is masquerading himself as a friend of Republicans and Conservatives but, in reality, is sucking up to the liberals and far left to get elected. He lacks integrity and will NEVER get my vote. He is a clown and should join the circus.
by krock1dk@yahoo.com February 5, 2008
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meaning to back out on an obligation at the last minute, to not follow through on a plan; to be a no show (popularized by Senator John McCain when he threatened to suspend his campaign and focus on the "Wall Street Bailout" during the 2008 presidential election. Also when he backed out of his first appearance on The Letterman Show) also referred to as "pulling a McCain" or "pulled a McCain"
I told Jesse I would go to his party but I think I'm gonna have to "pull a McCain" on this one.
by H.u.N.g.r.Y. October 18, 2008
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Used when you a person claims to know nothing about something, but has the answers to fix it.
McCain, i dont know much about the economie, but the economie is strong and deregulation is good.


I dont know office politics you are the expert and have more experience, but do as i say when it comes to it, right... Your Pulling a McCain.
by TheLordAkira2 October 17, 2008
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