Hentai artist and eco-sexual, cosplays favorite hentai on Halloween, loves yaoi porn
Look at Marta-irene drawing that octopus so sexy
by Oh fuck i came June 17, 2020
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Obese Marta is the most talented singer in the whole world. Better talent has never been spotted. Ever.
Person A: Have you listened to Obese Marta’s new album?

Person B: Yes of course I have! Anyone who hasn’t is a big fat r slur!
by 100% true. #WAPALICIOUS June 20, 2021
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Gemma and Marta the bestest friends in the world, the ones that can trust each other with anything and everything. Both really pretty too ;)
'damn i wish i had friends like gemma and marta do...'
by cowzzz October 12, 2011
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Man, that is Marta Krupa.
by MArta GarbaGE September 12, 2018
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An idea that was VERY poorly thought out. Usually the first thing that comes to mind.

Example 1:
Marta: Hey guys let's all be the Wizard of Oz for Halloween! Friend 1 can be Dorothy, I'll be the Lion, Friend 2 can be the tin man, and Friend 3 can be the scarecrow!
Friend 2: No. And you forgot Friend 4, Friend 5, and Friend 6. 'Tis a Marta Idea.
Example two:
Marta: Hey guys for Friend 1's birthday let's surprise her with a party at the mall!
Everyone: Ok...sounds reasonable...
Marta: I'll be there with her and we'll see you there kthxbai.
*Day of Surprise*
Marta: Hey guys I told Friend 1 about the surprise, but she'll act surprised. And yea sorry, I can't make cupcakes. And she's getting bored. You all ruined this surprise.
*2 hours later*
Marta is no where to be found. She and Friend 3 have disappeared into the mall, leaving everyone else.


Everyone: 'Tis a Marta Idea.
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