A combination of math and logic, which translates to MAGIC.
If you like to problem solve then you may be MAGIC
by GoGo Tomago February 3, 2015
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Street term for fentanyl, an extremly dangerous sythetic opiod which is abused to get high. Perscription only lolipops which are actually more addictive than heroin. They sell from $20-$60 on US streets.
"You need some of that magic?"
by Shane Senick December 26, 2007
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A complex card game that is very expensive and has a vast and lonely following. Most players have less than perfect hygiene and a complete lack of social skills. The game consists of players pretending to be a wizard.
Wow, that guy plays Magic, he's a fucking loser!
Oh, he's a MAGIC nerd? Stay away!!!
The Filipino Mafia LOVE to play Magic.
Eww, he smells like a Magic player.
by Gravy Face June 3, 2005
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A (not so) subtle allusion to male ejaculate. Inspired by episodes of popular MTV show "Cribs" where every male celebrity's bedroom would be introduced as "where the magic happens." The word may technically be used in any sense, but is best employed ironically or else the speaker risks appearing sleazy.
"And this is my bathroom hamper, where the magic gets washed out. I find that a very weak bleach solution is particularly effective at removing magic."
by Solomon L April 20, 2006
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A word meaning gay, but not in the way of liking penis, in the way of someone who wears a vest and waxes their abs. it has no relation to being gay, just to sucking and being a self centered weirdo who thinks they are better than everyone.
me:my english teacher is 100% friggin magical. he is always like I'm so hot, my car is awesome, i am a body builder, I'm so sexy.
My mate: that guy is so fucking magical it isnt even funny.
by Sean mate March 1, 2008
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