to laugh; to lose control of yourself; to become engulfed in laughter.
by prettyclever August 24, 2011
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LOST is a complicated, and often confusing, television series on the ABC television network. Confusing because it takes place on an island that seems to be there, but not there. The characters appear to be in the present, but oddly associated with the past in real-time. The intrigue revolves around, where they are, when they are, and contact with the outside world. No watcher can seem to get their minds around the central theme, LOST. Only a highly educated physicist has the ability needed to grasp the show. The conception of the show is based on an incident called the Philadelphia experiment and a concept called space-time. As most people simply don't have the brain power (processing ability) to deal with quantum reality, so the show continues into infinitum.
LOST is an oxymoron with itself.
by Guido1 March 7, 2008
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Lost THE GAME..The most life consuming word you will ever encounter, once you are apart of the game there is no turning back. The idea of the game is to not think about the game..(Sounds easy...right?)..This isn’t as straight forward as it sounds sooner or later something will remind you that you are playing the game and triggers a thought of the game, when this does happen you must state out loud iv lost and any other plays will loose to taking everything straight back to stage one, the only way to win the game...Is death..Good luck!

Welcome to The Game :-)
*in head* ' Ahell iv LOST my shoe '*Not in head* "aw man iv just lost"
by Magoo1234 October 9, 2007
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when you are so tired and broken from dealing with everything you don't know what to do next or what the right decision is..
person 1: hey, you've been lookin kinda down lately, you good?
person 2: I'm just a little lost bro
by always_tired March 8, 2020
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i dont even know who i am anymore. sometimes i just want to sink to the bottom of the ocean and not feel anything. i feel like a piece of dust, no one cares about me, i'm useless, no one even sees me most of the time, and when they do, they try to make me go away. lol if anyone relates to this i feel u bro
person 1 - i am so lost, i keep getting anxiety attacks
person 2 - omg me too, i hate life so much LOL
by armsofastranger January 26, 2021
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phrase. Quite literally means not being lost.
If I know the last place I had the blue shoe then it would be not lost.
by TheDabbler October 24, 2014
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