Legiterally is a very versatile word. It is legiterally a very versatile word.
Good uses:
- To make fun of people who say either word too often
- To piss off your mom

- A counter-fighter to "legitness"
by sugarpxssy January 16, 2018
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A mix between legit (legitimate) and literally 👌

By me, Amy. I'm fabulous
I legiterally can't sleep!
I'm legiterally adding this word to UrbanDictionary.com!
by Tygeramysaysrawr January 3, 2016
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Legit and Literally mashed together to create the coolest word ever.
He legiterally touched my lady bits with his sweaty mits!
by All the Word Smiths July 17, 2020
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The combined form of legit and literally. The ultimate response to anything. Coined by johnsmovies from YGS 127
“This same girl that’s ‘wasted”’ of a White Claw dam her voice annoying”
by CoasterHorizons November 17, 2020
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A combination of “legit” and “literally.” The ULTIMATE response to any situation. Coined by johnsmovies on YGS 127.
“This same girl that’s wasted of White Claw dam her voice annoying”
by CoasterHorizons November 17, 2020
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Literally + Legit = Legiterally
It's a made-up slang/text word that only cool people use.
Kim: Hey Jack did you hear about what Sam did to Rue?
Jack: Yes, it's legiterally all so messed up!!
by URbanDkuserlol March 3, 2022
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Legitimately literally, if something legitimate and literal at the same time, making your point more convincing because of how true this word makes it out to be.
'When I was walking home from school the other day, this kid on his bike legiterally almost got hit by a car'
by ZednoV January 9, 2018
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