One hell of a skinny bitch. Only poo's once a week. Likes a good moan about EVERYTHING. Obsessed with being skinny and tanned. Likes to stuff mushrooms in peoples faces and make them puke. Abuses her little sister and likes to bully her. Can make one hell of a batch of soup.

loves a spoon.
Woah have you seen that girl over there with legs like match sticks eating her hair shes so hungry?

oh my god shes such a kirsty dimples smith
by feegina December 10, 2010
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The act of eating while having sex. See Food Sex.

When your dinner table becomes both your mattress and buffet.
"This chick couldn't stop eating!" "We went back to her place after going to KFC, McDonalds and Burger King where she continued to stuff her fat face while I was fucking her."

"I hate it when chicks pull the Kirstie Alley Sex Maneuver."

BRAD: I thought you said we could have sex?
UMA: But I'm hungry could you just go get me something to eat first?
BRAD: (Mumbles...) Fuck'n Kirstie Alley Sex Maneuver!
by The Moody Poet January 24, 2007
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sloth loving biatch and master of yoga
“did u see kirsty freeman? her feet can stretch all the way above her head!!!”
“yea she such a sexy bitch oml
by archibald bartholomew August 1, 2018
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Someone that Steven needs to let skeeo or else the kirstyness cannot be replenished. Something something
Omg I should totally let Kirsty sleep, that would be so Steven of me!
by Skirty April 25, 2018
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A Kirsty is someone who pretends to be a blonde, they are usually a lesbian, she is a funny person but sometimes of a hypocrite. A Kirsty is an ugly rat on the inside but a real lion on the outside.
Kirsty is such confident young women!
by The imposter of 420 November 22, 2021
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f*cking ugly sl*y that pretends to be pregnant and will talk about your business behind your back
wow it’s a kirsty look away
by meow1274 February 3, 2020
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Proper Noun

A Kirsty is a Person that you go to with £20 and ask for sex (A Whore) she is self absorbed and is only concerned with self betterment at any cost. Her long dark hair smells of horse shite. By the time you meet her she'll be begging for husband two after bankrupting the first, from living beyond her means, the second man will be dumb and stupid for he'll have abandoned his real loving family after being lured in by her mermaid like traits from Grecian mythology. A Kirsty is a woman that should be avoided at all cost for your safety.
Person A: Look at that Kirsty over there
Person B: RUN, Run as far and as fast as you can before she leaches, away all of your securities.
by KerbySherby April 1, 2020
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