Manning up and telling the truth - immediately upon learning you are wrong. Like Jim Joyce did when he called a safe when the base runner was actually out, extinguishing Armando Gallaraga's perfect game for the Detroit Lions. As soon as he learned he was wrong, he said so and apologized.
We won't soon see Tony Hayward, or any CEO "Joycing it" and telling us the truth as soon as he learns it.
by Blondetwit June 4, 2010
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Being completely screwed out of something do a degree that pushes the bounds of human capacity for thought. Screwed in a way that you will never live it down. Screwed in a way that it makes other grown men cry when they hear about it.
EX 1: "Oh man I was out last night in the city with Rob and his sister Sarah." "You won't believe it but we got into the club's VIP area with Megan Fox, and she clearly wanted to get it on with Rob."
"Sarah completely cock blocked him, told him to stay away from the Tahini so he wouldn't flare up."

"Joyced, totally Joyced."

EX 2: "Did you see Jim Joyce screw Galarraga out of that perfect game?"


"From now on I'll just say Joyced when someone is completely screwed for life."

"Lose a limb because of a drunk driver? -Joyced." "Get a divorce because your friend nailed your wife? - Joyced" "Lose the presidency because your opponent's brother fixed the election? - Joyced."
by jonnynewjet June 4, 2010
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1. A person is so overcome with happiness, that they combine the words joyful and rejoiceful or they are just retarded.
I can't believe Paco died. Paco was joyceful.
by Neil Schlong September 13, 2009
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A term used in sports when an umpire, referee, or official makes a horrible call that is very important to the outcome of a game, or a season. This term originated when Jim Joyce blew a call to prevent Armando Gallaraga of the Detroit Tigers from getting a perfect game.
(sports announcer)"And the Redhawks bring it into Bumblebee zone with the seconds ticking down, shot, rebound, and it's in! The Redhawks have tied it up with 2 seconds to go in the third period! Wait a second, they're waving it off! The referee is waving of the goal! Let's look at the replay..." "Oh, it was definitely in! That puck crossed the line! The referee totally just Joyced the Redhawks!"
by J7KE June 3, 2010
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to take care of business in a bar booth at an irish bar. Everyone comes out OK, but the recipient of the joycing will be shamed for life.
johnny tried to make fun of russ perot and then tried to hurt a turtle. As a result he got joyced, pissed himself and was thrown out.
by eastendnyceleb March 22, 2009
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To forcefully ejaculate on a female's anatomy.
Person A: "Yo, did you get with Amy last night?"

Person B: "Yeah, and I totally Joyced all over her face."
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To be Joyced is to be lied to by a significant other where they lie to you and say they just want to slow the relationship down, then as time passes they distance themselves from you, then you find out they've actually been cheating on you, but never had the guts to tell you upfront.
My gut tells me that I've just been Joyced by Kristi.
by Betterluckruss August 7, 2020
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