talantless hack women who cant play music for their lives.
indigo girls suck, don't they?
by shakyjo June 22, 2006
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Author of "Montezuma's Revenge," a thriller novel where millions of hyper-intelligent amoeba invade the water supply of Tijuana, Mexico.
There I was, sitting on the toilet, reading "Montezuma's Revenge, by Indigo Krapp.
by Rod Brock March 9, 2007
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A game that starts normally, but wanders off into a supernatural plot in the second half and has conspiracies and random superpowers coming out of nowhere.
Resident Evil starts with zombies, and ends with sci-fi stuff. Typical Indigo Prophecy Syndrome.
by Lynkz-T September 4, 2008
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When you eat a elephant sized ton of blueberries, and take a laxative before you go to sleep, When you wake up, to find that you have shit yourself, you will also find purple stains all over your bed sheet, which never seem to completely go away, no matter how many times you wash them.
Also, a delicious cereal by Kashi.
Yo, man. I ate too many blueberries last night. I had a massive indigo morning today.

Hey mom, can you pass the indigo morning? Love you.
by StevoBrown October 14, 2013
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when a game has a good beginning then half way though the middle an "ancient mystical cult" is introduced half way through the game and the protagonist gains superpowers for some reason.
condemned 2:bloodshot suffers from indigo prophecy syndrome
by gold check card April 19, 2008
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an indigo rape ladder is a purple ladder that has been raped by a walrus
that's one large indigo rape ladder
by fuzzylittlemanpeach July 29, 2013
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