Hungry and Horny at the same time.
Homer Simpson is in a purpetual state of horngryness.
by Jesus Christ the 2nd July 21, 2005
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That common feeling of being excessivly horny and hungry.. Often I find myself confronted with this combiation, sometimes horny, hungry, and angry
"I'm SO horngry! For God's Sake! Feed Me and Fuck Me NOW!!"
by Wriston March 2, 2005
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Similar to the word, "hangry" - meaning anger and grumpiness as a result of being hungry,
"Horngry" is when one exhibits the same anger and grumpiness as a result of being horny.
(it has nothing to do with being hungry, unless your horniness is making you hungry instead of angry?)
We were home all day with no romance, then the minute the kids got home, she started mashin' on me.
Now I'm hot as hell, and I can't do nuthin' about it! I'm Horngry as hell!!
by nottomwaits February 3, 2016
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horny and hungary add the same time
i wanna eat and have intercourse im horny and horngry!
by bishopcube April 24, 2009
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when a persons mood is affected because they desire sex much like when someone who is hungry has hangry issues
Annie got mad at Thomas because he was ignoring her sexual wants and desires and became horngry
by himternet October 21, 2019
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ones raging lust for eating and all things food related, typically brought on and exacerbated by watching food network. Like horniness it can be fastest cured by looking at a "blue waffle", the antithesis of alluring food sexual innuendo.
OMG, im so horngry from watching man vs food, i could get off to a bite of baby back ribs...
by swinetastic_inc. May 29, 2012
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someone who is angry because they are horny
I'm horngry because I haven't been laid in a week; my wife gets bitchy because she is horngry due to a lack of sex.
by Melon Ball March 5, 2018
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