I love the many definitions for a homewrecker.

A homewrecker is an individual committed in a relationship that has affairs.

A homewrecker is an individual who finds an opportunity and runs with it.

A homewrecker is your deceiving partner.

When it’s a male cheating - Women are quick to call another women whores, sluts, or bitches.

Men blame other men for manipulating their girl.

The reality here is that people will cheat and no one is forced. The only one you should be upset with is your partner.
by Lifegoeson September 17, 2009
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A woman who knowingly has a relationship with a married man, especially when children are involved.
The self-righteous homewrecker was sleeping with the man she flirted with at work, even while he lived with his wife and children.
by Still the Wife September 26, 2009
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Someone who deliberately sets out to break up homes and families
Dashini Pillay from Cape Town is a homewrecker
by BavsM July 16, 2014
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A person who is responsible for the break up of a usually big or happy family, usually homewreckers have affairs with an others wife or husband.
macy wright, is a homewrecker the reason my principal up and moved to alaska.
by newhoneymoonyr February 27, 2021
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someone who your boyfriend says you shouldn't worry about then a week later winds up with him, typically known as pulling a Maddie.
girl 1: I hate that girl, she's a homewrecker
girl 2: why? what happened
girl 1: my bf went on a trip with her for school and...
girl 2: oh snap, did she pull a maddie??
girl1: yes im gonna kill her
by killerfri November 25, 2015
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A selfish whore that thinks if she just sleeps with your husband they will leave you and choose her. Someone that thinks only about themselves and not other people involved (children, wives). That person is the worst type of person and should rot in the pit of hell. The husband is also just as guilty, but the intentions of the whore are far worst then the husband.
Rachel from Cedar Rapids, Iowa is a homewrecker, and she is married herself with 2 children and sleeps with other people's husbands. The poor children have to grow up with a mom that is a whore.
by revengfulwife February 25, 2016
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When someone comes into your life, destroys what you have, tricks you into believing they care, and turning you into a walking pile.
"Jenny was so in love with him, why did she leave him for his best friend?"
"because that bitch loves homewrecking"
by TheRealGrimace March 4, 2014
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