A person too fixated on others but themselves extruding rumors and name slandering saying nothing positive or constructive about others. Constantly nit picking because they know what they don’t have and it makes them feel uneasy about themselves.
That guy doesn’t stop chuckling after buying my new bmw every time I walk by him he has a smirk on his face he’s such a hater. What does he drive? He doesn’t even have a car he rides a motorcycle. Wow what a hater.
by Iceglacier March 27, 2022
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Someone who is negative to other without a reason.
They didn't publish my definition again. Damn haters
by *Cassiopeia* June 12, 2017
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Haters are somewhat of a breed of a Human-Extraterrestial Being cross born with about 2 or fewer purposes in life. To Annoy and Pester. They tend to lurk around the Internet, finding places to plant their little devious plans of destruction. Their primary targets are usually those who are:

-Part of a Fandom/Group
-Just plain better than them

How they operate is simple. To bring up pointless, nonsensical facts about a certain topic towards a person, usually against that topic. They all have a catchphrase (which is really stolen from Trolls nonetheless), "U Mad, Bro?". This statement is the blind truth that these people have nothing better to do with their time on the Internet.
Guy: So I put up this picture on the internet
Girl: That's awesome! Can I se-
Hater: Faggot! Why don't you go jack off to your anime crap you yiff!
Girl: What did you say to my boyfriend...?

Hater: U Maaad, Brooo?
Person: Actually, I think you're the one who's mad because compared to me... And many others... You just suck.
Hater: ...
by Epyk February 15, 2013
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A hater is the unnatractive grenade friend who ends up a welfare mother with 5 kids and on drugs at 25.

The hater hates when anyone compliments her pretty friend. When guys compliment her friend she will try to make up a flaw instead.

The hater friend usually dosen't have the brains or beauty to get anywhere in life and ends up coming onto the internet to let out her frustrations about being a failure or not pretty enough to get a quality man or make something of herself.
You got a hater friend, better get away from her before her scumminess and low lifeness rubs off on you.

Wise words said by about 20 different people.
by kale002 November 14, 2008
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Having Anger Towards Everyone Reaching Success.

(n). People who cannot stand the thought of one's success and tries their very best to bring the person down with them. This is due to envy and a lack of accomplishments in their life.
Hater: I HATE upperclassmen! I HATE rich people! I HATE SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE!!!

Random guy: It's okay man, cheer up. Rather than spending so much time hating on others, focus on yourself more often and just work hard. Soon you'll be successful too.
by RickeyX December 29, 2011
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Someone who despises his or her situation so uch they need to openly criticize others, sometimes in a disguised way to make it look self depreciating.
Cool dude: Hey look at my new car!!

Hater: Ah! So that's what a rich person looks like.

Cool dude: Stop hating man

Hater: Not at all, I was trying to be self-deprecatingly funny. I think it worked.
by Wonka's Willy November 28, 2012
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A person that sits at their computer and votes against new urban dictionary words all day.
That fat douche bag over there is definitely a hater.
by BabyBoo9 April 7, 2015
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